I just joined the forums. Here is a character I have been working on. So far I am pleased with the result. All of the shaders are temporary until I get into texturing. Any comments and crits would be welcome. I am trying to get better here.
I second that.
I will render out some wire frames and a few other views tonight. I do intend to rig him up, and I still need to add teeth and a tongue.
aesir & dolemite: I agree with you guys... I didn't really notice it until you mentioned it.
The ear looks sort of weird to me.
Let me add crotch to the list of things that need more definition. Lately I've come to the idea that 3D is really good at smoothing things over and creating curves. You have to fight against that or your stuff looks "blobby". Maybe I'm just rambling here... I shouldn't drink and post.... I like crotches....
So the incredibles are highly stylized but they are also very aware of anatomy. I think your guy could use some more attention to anatomy. Cut in some divisions, and suggest the muscles of the arms and legs. Does he have a pot belly? Suggest it just a little more.
Also, its kind of standard to post shots on a grey background. Easier to see what's going on.