I cant figure this out, I'm hopeing one of you noticed the same thing...
In Maya if you use the middle mouse button while on the move tool it allows you to nudge verts around in all 3 axis.

If you left click on one of the axis, then the move tool is "locked" on that axis in the sense that if you middle mouse drag it will only move on that axis.

In all the previous versions of Maya if I had clicked on the X axis and was "locked" on that axis, pressing the W key (hotkey for the move tool) would "reset" the axis and allow me to middle mouse nudge in all 3 axis again.
I just installed Maya 2009 and now pressing the W key doesn't do anything, the gizmo stays locked in the X axis until I either manually click off the selection or change tools to scale and then back to move.
It's VERY minor, but its something that I've just become accustom to in my workflow and this little hitch bugs the shit out of me since I cant figure out if there is a setting thats changed or if the functionality is just different now.
Anyone else know what I mean? Or am I the only person that works like this.
You could either just get used to pressing Q,W or something instead, or make a small script that does that and assign it to the W key.
uhm...at least q w workflow is better than modo's space w :P
ivars - good idea on the script.
When I hit Q and then go back into the move tool it is still locked on the X axis. So I can't move with MMB on all 3 axis, perpendicular to the camera view, until I click the cyan box. If I try and MMB move, it takes me along X only.
just add a new hotkey and paste this in to the command and assign it to "w".
setToolTo $gSelect;
setToolTo $gMove;
Ryan, which video card are you using?
-In the Maya Hotkey Editor, create a new hotkey. Call it something like "TranslateTool_PRESS"
-In the subsection of "Assign new hotkey" assign "w" as press
-For the command of the new hotkey type in:
setToolTo $gMove;
-Save the hotkey
-Now make another hotkey. Call it something like "TranslateTool_RELEASE"
-In the subsection of "Assign new hotkey" assign "w" as release
-For the command of this one type in:
-Save the hotkey
Any speculations on that, anyone?
I installed it yesterday night....
And this shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitt!!!
They modified lot of stuff and cannot understand why...
A - switch between the change pivot tools and object mode is shiiittt..
B - The mulit color component selection compeltly and definitly unusefull.
C - The Snap Uvs tools doesn't work anymore..
B - The FBX Function in the mel script documentation changed of name (with the exactly same version of the exporter in Maya 2008)
D - The workflow for the export selection on the FBX exporter changed too with the version of the exporter but on Maya 2009....
E - the new little menu in the viewport is bot usefull too, and delete space in my viewport!!
F - When you start another Maya, Maya create an error saying this si probably because you have another instance of Maya... and your default script are crashing at the beginning
anyway. only 2h on Maya 2009....
RAAAAAA!!! Autodesk you definitly SUCKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!
fuck and fuck!!!
A - It's the same as it's always been.... press insert, or hold d.......
B - Turn it off if you don't like it. "Preselction highlight" in preferences
C - It's the same as before, works for me....
E - Turn off "show panel toolbar" ni preferences
F - Works for me. Maybe something with your setup....
I'm using '09 at both home and work. Iunno.
Maya 2008 : First press insert for activing the change pivot mode and you can press W for activing the move tools
Maya 2009 : Need to press the Insert key one more time for coming back to the previous mode.
And, Inser is a far away key, to have to move the left hand near the W // E // S key to the insert key, is lost of time and disturb while working.
But yeas anyway, some mel script and it will resolved...
Just it's new and stupid.
In the Preferences // Manuipulator // Preselection Higlight I stick off the Highligh manip Handles and it doesn't stop the christmas tree mode selection.
Wrong :
- Maya 2008 : Once you select an Uv, you can put your mouse cursor on a far away Uv and activing the snap and it will snap your point.
- Maya 2009 : snap only work on the most nearest Uv or if there is an uv in a distance less than 0.1 or 0.2 in the mapping editor.
Oh yeah, I also find the CTRL+Shift+M hotkey in the documentation
Thansk for the key words!
Yeah Maya works but will say that :
Conclusion : why they lost time to change old tools when they was working well...
Also the documention is more slow......
And if someone success to make working the mipmapp options in Maya 2009, I would be glad he explains it to me!!
in Maya 2008 it works perfectly but in Maya 2009 there is not difference between Mimap Linear and Mipmap Trilinear.....
Right I found it...
For ending the christmas mode :
- Empty current selection
- Ctrl + Shift +RMB
- ---> Marking Menu : "Select"
- ---> Pre- selection Highlight