There's a question bothering me from ages. Scale gizmo in 3ds Max has a resolution increment of 1% and for accurate scaling it is too rough. Do you know if there's a way to adjust it, like the angle snap for rotation? Thanks.
Customize, Preferences, Viewports tab. Change the value of Non Scaling Object Size to be smaller like "0.1"
otherwise working with the transform type in floater [F12] can be useful in that case as well because with the spinners there it responds to the global spinner precision setting.
I've found that it can actually be very precise, although it's weird - if you click and drag left to right it will go in increments of around one degree, but if you drag up and down it will go in much smaller increments. Not sure if this is intentional behaviour or not but I use it to be more precise.
Thanks guys, but I had no luck. Firstly I must mention I'm on 3ds Max 9.
@ renderhjs: Unfortunately changing Non-scaling object size has no effect on the gizmo scale increment. The global spinner snap can help but only on repeated clicks, while during drag it works like the default 0.1 increment for Scale in Transform Type-In floater. I'd like to avoid the floater at all, if possible, but it does the job.
@ mop: I don't see any difference dragging in any direction, maybe that's a behaviour introduced in a more recent 3ds Max version.
I said Scale by gizmo snaps to 1% but it isn't completely true, it is even worse, like "quite" random. But by investigating it a little more, it seems clear it works by calculating the difference between projection of starting and end point of a drag action on the active grid. So if you scale in a non ortho view, and the point of view is almost on the horizon, scaling becomes a pain, because a very small increment in screen space, say 1 pixel, is represented by a quite big step on world grid, like 10 world units, that brings to scale steps of a 10-15%. In Ortho views, scales are always 1% per pixel shift, no matter what's the fov factor. I guess that's how the whole thing has been coded in 3ds Max core, and there's not much to do. The variable scale factor according to drag direction should be a later enhancement to work around this behaviour. Thank you.
Customize, Preferences, Viewports tab. Change the value of Non Scaling Object Size to be smaller like "0.1"
otherwise working with the transform type in floater [F12] can be useful in that case as well because with the spinners there it responds to the global spinner precision setting.
@ renderhjs: Unfortunately changing Non-scaling object size has no effect on the gizmo scale increment. The global spinner snap can help but only on repeated clicks, while during drag it works like the default 0.1 increment for Scale in Transform Type-In floater. I'd like to avoid the floater at all, if possible, but it does the job.
@ mop: I don't see any difference dragging in any direction, maybe that's a behaviour introduced in a more recent 3ds Max version.
I said Scale by gizmo snaps to 1% but it isn't completely true, it is even worse, like "quite" random. But by investigating it a little more, it seems clear it works by calculating the difference between projection of starting and end point of a drag action on the active grid. So if you scale in a non ortho view, and the point of view is almost on the horizon, scaling becomes a pain, because a very small increment in screen space, say 1 pixel, is represented by a quite big step on world grid, like 10 world units, that brings to scale steps of a 10-15%. In Ortho views, scales are always 1% per pixel shift, no matter what's the fov factor. I guess that's how the whole thing has been coded in 3ds Max core, and there's not much to do. The variable scale factor according to drag direction should be a later enhancement to work around this behaviour. Thank you.