hey all,
Foo fighter here from Ireland
Im sure your all fed up of seeing post about new mods seeking help but i feel this one has a particular edge
Im a games development student in Ireland and im a big fan of Supernatural the TV show you guys have in the states so one day the bucket drops and i decide to put them together and i get
So yes im developing a free mod based on a tv show a popular one at that and i need volunteers skilled at modelling characters like sam and dean,programmers, concept artists and many more basically if you have an input of any measure or size and i approve your in
A knowledge of Source SDK and the engine in general is preferred but not essential

Its a great opportunity to show your talent off and add it to your resume
I really dont need an awful lot of guys/gals with talent to do this
im the only person on the project at the minute but if you are interested in joining the team and have your name pasted in the credits for your involvement in the MOD by showing your talent send me an email at
and check out my wiki i set up for the mod that shows my progress so far