I was moving verts on a model in Maya 2009Unlimited when suddenly my verts were moving in block spaces, not smoothly like before left to right but now when I move my verts they jump out a space and I don't have 100% control over them and where they move. Do you know what I mean... like the verts are being tugged in a set direction to the left or the right for a set amount of space instead of me being to lightly pull them in any direction, now they only move a set distance each time I drag on them....
Is there anyway I can reset my editor settings or undo this act of movement to revert to free-flowing movement without grid interference??
I cannot model like this, grid restrictions.
I copied my model into a new scene hoping the settings would be new on a fresh scene but it was the same deal.
Thank you!!!
The selected object, vert, face, whatever selected when I have the arrow tool [W] and try to move up or down or left or right it's like it's snapped to the grid and it only moves in segments of one, an abrupt movement.
Can I get some help removing this please??
I clicked some verts and pulled the mouse and the Windows key down, and various combinations of buttons with the Windows key, but nothing changes. This is driving me nuts.
EDIT: I fixed it!!
I looked under Preferences and movements and something called Free Move was ticked. I un-ticked it and it works now, smooth movements... I dunno how that got turned on, I never went into the menu to turn it on, maybe sloppy fingers on my keyboard.
Thanks for trying to help guys, I really appreciate it.