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Darkwatch - Gun Wagon

polycounter lvl 18
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HellMark polycounter lvl 18
Love me some Darkwatch. :)
Calling the high poly done unless anyone has crits. Thanks.



  • Zack Fowler
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    Zack Fowler polycounter lvl 11
    Sweet, can't wait to see it textured! Offhand I'd say some of the bevels on surfaces you intend to flatten and represent via normal maps need to be thickened, like the teeth-like shapes on the hull and the cross-in-a-circle designs near the exhaust. Looking good though, keep it up!
  • PeterK
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    PeterK greentooth
    This thing is very stylish, and well executed. Feels kind of steampunk and "ye old tech" like.
  • imb3nt
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    imb3nt polycounter lvl 14
    do the front wheels turn? i cant really tell if they would be shredded by the death plow. Looking really good though :)
  • HellMark
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    HellMark polycounter lvl 18
    Still up in the air on the diffuse and spec. Any feedback is appreciated.
    First my Normal+Ao Bake:
    Renders in Marmoset:

  • j4polaris
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    j4polaris polycounter lvl 18
    Looks gorgeous Mark. Brings back fun memories of doing QA work for Darkwatch. :)
  • jacob07777
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    jacob07777 polycounter lvl 15
    Overall I'd say the model looks pretty solid. Texture work is pretty nice, but I think there might be a few too many scratches. The car looks like it's on display to get keyed by anyone who walks by it lol. It's good to have some scratches to give it that metal feel, but try to put them in places that would make more sense. Like where metal would be scratching up against itself or on things that the car is bumping into. Near the edges is always a good place.

    The high poly looks really nice, but when you bake something with a 90 degree angle it doesnt pop out as much. Try to make your extrusions a little thinner as they near the top so you don't have such a harsh angle and it should help your bakes pop a lot more.

    I like it so far though man, not too much work from here to make that thing look legit. Could we get a wireframe? :)
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