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iPhone: 2D Sprites in Tron Style for RTS


We need some simple 2D sprites for an iPhone Real Time Strategy game. This is a hobbyist project. Our budget is $150. You will receive credit for the artwork in the app description in the app store.

Units are currently rendered using as vectors using OpenGL:


We want to polish the graphics up a bit with sprites while keeping the UI simple and clear. We like the vector w/ glow style of the towers in geodefense:


We also like the Tron style:


We need the following sprites:

Tank Turret
Tank Body
AntiAir Turret
AntiAir Body
Helicopter Body
Helicopter Propeller
Helicopter Stabilizer Propeller
Energy Meter
Landscape (Background Grid)

We don't need complex details, just a minimal level of polish beyond the existing graphics.
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