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moving and getting to know ne people

polycounter lvl 17
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SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
right i moved to edinburgh about 7 months age but for various reasons only really moved here (heart and soul) in the last month, ive met alot of people through work bubble but im used to a large group of get together to mess about freinds outside of work.

just wndering what other people experiences are in moving cities/countries and how you cope or meet new people build a new life etc.


  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    Always found it tough really. I generally ended up going out by myself and occasionally went out with folks from work who on the whole were fun.
    unfortunately with work there was always the politics of the office spoiling things.

    Some people see friends as people they can kiss ass with to get ahead in the workplace or if you are friends with employeee A, then senior employee B would not like it, so you stop drinking with poor employee A. Hate that.

    I have never been like that.
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    nah its really friends out of work that i lack at the moment, yeah ive not given it time, and yeah im an impatient mofo, im just used to having people that i can go and do shit with on a whim and work friends never seam to fulfill that as they have their own lives. As ive get older i find friendship groups more cliquey and closed off and there are none of those mass make new friends things like you get at beginning of uni or whatever, people tend to settle and the (id like to think brave but maybe foolish) of us that go out and explore can feel a little nomadic at times, this has its benefits but also its drawbacks

    yeah theres alot to be said to going out on your own sounds sad, but
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    yeah , perhaps just give it time and see what happens.
    I get where you are coming from though its tough to move somewhere new and make new friends.
    When in nottingham i always got chatting to someone in the pubs as its was quite a social place.

    I never found Edinburgh that easy to get the hang of. princes street was ok, but after that I was lost.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Any cool coworkers or polycounters that enjoy the nightlife and/or host parties where you're at?
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    shep what about rick?

    Speaking of which it would have rocked to have gotten to meet you while i was in town!
    Damn you stars for not aligning!!

    Me, as ebagg can testify to, I don't go out much. I used to, but I have become a bit of a hermit after moving. The first year after moving really sets the stage for how much you will being going out. After the crowded swarm that is uni where new friends are basically bumping into you it makes it a bit hard to adjust to only seeing work "friends". I still don't hang out with anyone from work out side of work. Might be because i don't really disengaged from the work gear...
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    I can't go out with Shep cos he scares me.


    I don't go out anywhere near as much as I used to, mainly because while I get along well with people from work, I do see them at work and I quite like spending time with my wife. I'm assuming Sheppy means the younger, single, people-you-don't-work-with crowd, the kind you meet at school and university and pick up along the way as you get to know a place.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    I moved to Dallas last year, wife and I don't know anyone out here started to try and hang out with Lee, but he got a job in Austin so I still hang around him every now and then when he's up here visiting his wife. I've ran into Brett a few times at various functions, but the guys I work with aren't really into the 'gaming' scene so we don't go out and do anything together. So it's just the wife and I, and any polycount type meetups...

    my life is sad... :D
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    just go to some live music gigs or some student pubs n bars n ull have a bunch of friends in no time...
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    I love it as long as there are new people around, and your not just wandering around on your own and going back to an empty flat...although it can be very sad leaving others behind.

    Rick, Shep, you guys gonna make it to the Rockstar party after Protoplay? :)
  • Farfarer
    Most folk I go out with around here are from work and I've met new friends via their friends, etc. I'm not much of a socialite, so I don't go off by myself and start chatting to folk randomly.

    Going down the park on a sunny day with a sketchbook seems to work ok :P
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    wait. . . people actually have friends outside of the internet?! :::shudder:::
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