I started work on recreating a pavillion that’s at one of my relative’s house. Recreating it in 3D has been very simple thus far. The structure itself is nearly finished–just a few small touches left. After that, it’s all props (which there are a
lot of, by the way).
This is intended to be a modeling test for me–I don’t plan on texturing any of it right now. I’m much more interested nailing it down geometry-wise. Below are a few renders and one reference photo. I took around 40 reference pictures.
So far, it’s [edit]~3700 triangles[/edit] (not including the ground, of course). For the completed scene, I want to keep it under 8k, 10k max triangles.
Newest Image:
Comments and crit appreciated.
But solid modeling just need more more more!
PS. if you up your rays/sample: in lighttracer, you will get rid of those artifacting. maybe double them as a starting point
All the more reason to get some practice texturing so you can get better at it. Finish modeling everything first though, then go back and do a texture pass that way everything is consistent.
Maybe consider only doing full renders once everything is added in, it's sort of a waste of time to render for each object addition. Viewport grabs are good enough for WIP shots. All those minutes spent rendering could be better spent modeling or texturing.
Well, it's a pretty simple texture job for the building, so I might as well. I'll give it a shot. Thanks for the compliments.
Also it looks like you have a piece of plywood or something going through one of the rafters. is there actually a board there in the reference?
Paintover using a mouse-_-
Red squiggles show some of the edges that can be removed by using seperate elements.
Hey, sorry I didn't reply before but it looks like you were on post approval. I've fixed the issue with the plywood going to the rafters, I noticed that right after I posted the render . As for the wasted polygons, I noticed it before but was busy so I couldn't fix it right then and there, but now that you reminded me I'll be sure to fix it. Thanks!
^^ New render in first post ^^
Thanks for the crit, Rokkx. My reference actually has it as a square dartboard with painted-on lines and such. I think I'll go with that to conserve on tris.