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anatomy with dong



I figured I'd try sculpting some anatomy. I made this by loading up the default human model in mudbox and sculpting away.

I'm only 26 years old, so this is a pretty good job for a kid my age.

crits welcome.


  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    his moustache could do with being fuller, and black.
  • mLink
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    mLink polycounter lvl 10
    "I'm only 26 years old, so this is a pretty good job for a kid my age."

    Not trying to sound mean, but age honestly has nothing to do with it.
    The end result is what matters, regardless of who the person may be.

    I have a few suggestions of what you could work on.
    The pectorals look too bulky in the middle, his shoulders are too bulky for how small the rest of his arm is, the bicep connecting to the forearm could be smoothed a bit, clavicle is at too steep of an angle, the knee area looks too thin and unable to support his upper body, upper back muscles could use some refining, the corners of the lips are sticking out too far, giving a bit of a duck mouth).

    Overall you've got pretty good form and proportions though
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    frankly i don't even think kids should be drawing this kind of stuff
  • ceebee
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    ceebee polycounter lvl 14
  • Mark Dygert
    You're 26, you stopped being a kid about 10 years (a decade) ago =P
    Now get crackin old man, because there be whipper snappers chasing at your arthritic heels and they're quickly racking up more practice hours than you.

    - The backs of the knees, look like hollow pushed in pits.
    - Forearms look Vac-U-Sealed.
    - Lips look like a duck bill. As if you extruded/paint pulled them out and and didn't blend the outer edge back into the head. Painting a mustache does not cover this up... Everyone seems to do this... It never works.
    - Your dong needs reference. If you're going to go there, then you need to commit. You can never be gay enough when looking for male anatomy ref.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    Vig wrote: »
    You're 26, you stopped being a kid about 10 years (a decade) ago =P
    Now get crackin old man, because there be whipper snappers chasing at your arthritic heels and they're quickly racking up more practice hours than you.

    QFT! I'm 27 and still game industry jobless.

    as far as the sculpt.... i would say everything feels really ultra defined and cut into, which is cool to guide you along the way, but the forms still feel very skinny and flat. Don't worry about every muscle. Focus more on the shape and only certain muscles.
  • Taylor Hood
    "I'm only 26 years old, so this is a pretty good job for a kid my age."

    Hmm, thats retarded =]
    1 -I'm 16 ...your not a kid.
    2- What the hell does age have to do with it? I'm all for autodidact kids (like myself) saying what you've said, minus the twenty six part but come on..
    3- I don't see why you have to say that.. your twenty six..
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    frankly i don't even think kids should be drawing this kind of stuff

    Your knowledge of anatomy in general seems pretty good, at least as far as general muscle placement and such goes, but he's got some odd proportional stuff going on.

    His arms and legs resemble the limbs of somebody who doesn't eat enough; there isn't enough muscle and fatty tissue in comparison to the rest of his body. Try making his arm and leg muscles a little more round and slightly filling out the gaps and valleys between them with a bit of flesh to make them seem a little more lifelike. Don't do much with his calf muscles, though. They're already pretty large.

    His ass is gigantic, especially compared to his thigh muscles. It's rare to see a male with a large rear and skinny legs. I'd say you should probably make it a bit smaller and beef up his thighs until they look like they match; when exercising the gluteal muscles, you usually exercise a bunch of different thigh muscles as well and they all end up getting fairly large or defined.

    His clavicles kinda funky looking. They're too low in the middle and too defined along their whole length. When they're defined, they're usually defined at the very tips with a dip between them in the middle and a fairly obvious bump where they meet the shoulder. Most of the front face is usually a smooth transition from the top of the clavicle to the pectoral muscles, though there is sometimes a bit of a dip below the shoulder end.

    The sternocleidomastoid muscles (the ones going down the sides of his neck on either side of his throat) should connect to the clavicles and very tip of the sternum. This is what forms the little dip at the bottom of people's throats right in the middle of the clavicles.

    It's difficult to see because it's so small in the image you provided, but his mouth looks very odd. As mLink said, the corners are sticking out too far, giving him duck lips. In general, the corners of the mouth are pulled in a bit from the surrounding cheek tissue. On some people the corners of the mouth may be flush with the cheek, but that's usually only on people with very sharply defined lips that have strong edges.

    The bridge of his nose looks extremely wide where it transitions into the frontal part of the cheekbone. What you see there on people isn't actually (unless they have a weird face) a bulge, it's the contrast between the fairly smooth transition of the nasal bridge to cheekbone and the hollow of the eye socket.

    Take a look at Willem Dafoe's face sometime. He's one ugly motherfucker, but he's also a good anatomy reference because he doesn't have a lot of fat.

    Also, as others have said, that poor guy's dong's wrong. Seriously, pull down yer pants and take some reference from real life (Well, if you're actually a guy. If not, find some lucky dude who'll let you tear his pants off). Then go to Google and make your search history look like you just came out of the closet.
  • d00kie
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    d00kie polycounter lvl 17
    I'm gonna go ahead and say he's making fun of those who post that their 14, 16, etc. and expect to get some kind of sympathy or textual cock stroking.
    Just saying.

    I LIKE YOUR DONG! doesn't fit the stereotype of brown men though. FIX IT! 8=========D

    kk, his wrists look swollen to me. Maybe tone those down a notch? Other than that, PURTY GOOD JERB!
  • dolemite
    Hey guys, thanks for the feedback!

    "I'm gonna go ahead and say he's making fun of those who post that their 14, 16, etc. and expect to get some kind of sympathy or textual cock stroking.
    Just saying."

    Indeed. I hope I'm not offending any of them though, I was just trying to have a sense of humor about being old and still bad at art. :)

    I'm really high on hydrocodone right now, recovering from wisdom teeth surgery. I'm not sure if it's making it easier or more difficult to make art. I appreciate everyone being so nice. Your feedback is super useful.

    Well, hopefully tonight I can jump in there and fix it up. Again thanks!
  • commander_keen
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    commander_keen polycounter lvl 18
    Your Dong anatomy needs work.
  • dolemite
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18

    and shame on all of you who couldn't tell he was joking. shame!
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    Anteater. Because he has adamantium foreskin.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    lol where did you get reference for that dong...looks like some kind of freaky giant clit/camel toe combo.
  • dolemite



    Hey I worked on it a little more. I discovered a few things, like using the flatten tool instead of the smooth tool. It really helps to retain the shapes you carve out, whereas smooth kind of constantly melts away your work.

    Oh yeh, I went for more epic proportions on the dong. It was a lot bigger, and at one point was fully erect. Might do something more massive and veiny on the next sculpt.
  • OBlastradiusO
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    OBlastradiusO polycounter lvl 11
    That's a pretty thick dong. John Holmes would be proud.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    he looks a bit melty right now and TBH he looks a bit like a 70's german porn star.( I am here to fix the plumbing)

    If that's what you were going for then fair play to you.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Do you look over your back/ close the windows when you're up in close modeling those testes to make sure no one's looking? Just curious (wondered the same thing in Watchmen)
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Hey its coming along nicely. Props for modeling dong and all.
    Btw, I got your joke about age, sheesh; I'm surprised so many others didn't! :)

    The legs seem to be a tad short.
    The butt and gluts look too low. Should be higher up imo.
    Keep going man!
  • beartraps
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    beartraps polycounter lvl 8
    thats a great lookin dick, kid. When u start detailing be sure to add some thick veins in that motherfucker.

    Lookin good, I would say the face and hands need work but I cant really see your detail.. also the sternum looks a bit flat maybe?

    U use the default Mudbox basemesh for this?
  • Rumkugel
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    Rumkugel polycounter lvl 14
    he looks a bit melty right now and TBH he looks a bit like a 70's german porn star.( I am here to fix the plumbing)
    German?? Are you kidding me? Us germans arent anatomical freaks with their dicks growing the other way around.

    And thats my only crit about that model ;)
  • Swizzle
    Offline / Send Message
    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16

    Oops, did I say that out loud?
  • Pope Adam
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    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11

    hot dong man, i was hoping for anteater though lol
  • Rumkugel
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    Rumkugel polycounter lvl 14

    fixed your anatomy deficiancies.

    now its a true teutonic pron-star!
  • Bruno Afonseca
    hip bones look a bit weird to me! or maybe i'm just wide :(

    why is he circumcised? IMO you should make the dong an average dong.
  • Raider
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    Raider polycounter lvl 9
    rofl @ the paint over rum.

    Average dick is 5" or 6" aint it? That thing is like 5" flacid, gives Holmesy a fair run there.

    Other then that yer the hip bone for someone like that doesn't seem very pronounced...

    As varied as feet are the small toe is normally as far forward as the joint in the big toe.. but it looks like the toes are pretty much all even. with a slight curve.
  • Evil Krisp
    you just modeled OG Mudbone
  • Mark Dygert
    This would be why most people leave the dongle out of it. Too many comments and eyes in all the wrong places.
  • SomberResplendence
    I'm just leaving a comment so I can keep reading the crits on the dong... I think the face is a little distracting though...
  • AshleyTayles
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    AshleyTayles polycounter lvl 9
    How about some shrubbery to go with that tree?
  • Serp
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    Serp polycounter lvl 17
    I haven't laughed at a thread like I have this one in ages. The increase in dong size, than the paintover...genius
  • dolemite
    man too many great replies for me to do them all a shout out. shout out@ everyone!

    I think I'm going to take this to the full on 70's porno angle. So I'll give him some socks and really work up the face and sideburns (possibly, a pizza box?)

    thanks all! Maybe after I finish up holmes here I can do a ron jeremy!!!


    Well, there is one shout out I have to do.

    Rumkugel : Dude, that paint-over is so win. I can see what I was doing wrong now.
  • acidrain
    Paintover is pure win. Go lens flare!
  • imb3nt
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    imb3nt polycounter lvl 14
    looking forward to run cycle. :poly122:
  • [Deleted User]
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  • 00Zero
    i think you need larger testiculites

    also, put a hot dog bun around his dong. make it a hot dong. haha it would be funny
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
    chocolate cock thread ftw
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