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Photoshop CS$ is being an a-hole

polycounter lvl 11
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|Buddy| polycounter lvl 11
Hey guys, when i finally managed to get it to work somehow (without crazy brush etc lag) i found out that after few minutes (even 1 sometimes) the pan gradually starts to lagg till its unbearable so i have to restart it everytime :S.

Tried various cache, ram and scratch settings. Both versions x64 and x86 do the same. Also turning on/off Image Display gpu acceleration is not changing anything.

win xp x64

Any ideas?


  • commander_keen
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    commander_keen polycounter lvl 18
  • AshleyTayles
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    AshleyTayles polycounter lvl 9
    I agree. CS4 is a step backwards. I personally use CS2 as I think it's the most stable so far. That and I'm a bit tight with my money.

    Yes, I have tried CS4.
  • Seaseme
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    Seaseme polycounter lvl 8
    It's my honest opinion that CS3 and CS4 are worthless. My system can barely run either of them, and I have a nice system. CS2 has everything I've ever needed in PS, the rest is just bloatware. Once adobe realized they had pretty much no competition they just started producing shit.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    lol, cos that's surely a sensible business model?

    We have a few copies of CS4 at work and as far as I can see it runs about the same as CS2...
  • AshleyTayles
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    AshleyTayles polycounter lvl 9
    Yeah, but at work I bet you have some super space age PC's that can run anything? Even so, CS4 runs a lot slower my PC than CS2 and I'm not the only one complaining so it ain't just me.
  • Ott
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    Ott polycounter lvl 13
    I've had the shitty pen dragging issue for awhile. Not sure if you have Vista, but if you do, try turning the ruler off first and see if that fixes it. It's been the cause of stuttering with CS4 for awhile.

    Also, try switching back and forth between Windows Aero / Basic / Standard in your Appearance settings (Right Click anywhere on the desktop > Personalize > Display Settings) and finding one that works and removes the lag. Some 3d apps force Windows into a different mode, causing Photoshop to act buggy.

    There is also a patch that came out awhile back you could try running that might work:


    Let us know if any of these works!
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    i had those issues for a while when i first started using CS4. some settings i have set in Performance:

    Memory Usage: 89%
    History states: 10
    Cache Levels: 4

    The flick panning was being a little laggy, and my psds would also do some crazy-ass zoom/pan bug after zooming in/out.

    also, patch CS4 like Ott says!

    Not sure if you use Adobe Bridge, but try closing it down and working w/o it. Its annoying to have to do every once in a while because i use Bridge as my image viewer... but helps.
  • jocose
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    jocose polycounter lvl 11
    It's odd that people don't like CS4 I use it on a regular basis and have had no problems at all. I do, however, keep the GPU acceleration stuff turned off. That seams to be the source of many problems.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    CS3+ is laggy, needs more RAM to even run smooth and causes frequent hiccups from my understand because of:
    - Version Cue (can be disabled)
    - new fancy GUI (with transparency rendering effects like rounded corners and shadows)
    - Font related initialization stuff (font previews, font list, font rendering,...)
    - tabbed windows (CS4+) causes massive RAM usage when used

    even the Installation is bloated and slow (CS3 installation anyone, took me almost 30-40 min.). It eats to much space on the disc, hell its even mentioned in Wikipedia under bloat ware:

    but my believe is that they know about it, there is also this classic tech note from Adobe for PS CS4:

    instead of pushing each year a new version in order to please the share-holders I would like to a option from big software companies to offer also older version of the package to be ordered perhaps even for a somewhat lower price.
    Its not just adobe, but autodesk sometimes is getting messy as well with their new releases, beein buggy and not so optimized the way you could expect it for the big price tag.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    wait... there's versions of photoshop after v6?
  • fritz
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    fritz polycounter lvl 18
    i don't have any probs here and i have a four+ yeah old shuttle.....slight lag when flipping canvas....but that's about it
  • Matuka9011
    CS4 is much slower and sluggish than its predecessor CS3 on windows XP, however a odd thing I found is that in Windows 7 it acts more faster.

    It's probably all down to the OS I think.

    (Btw, I never found any lagging or slowdowns/errors in CS3).
    Marine wrote: »
    wait... there's versions of photoshop after v6?

    Where have you been? :D
  • imb3nt
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    imb3nt polycounter lvl 14
    I JUST started using cs4 and was SO excited about canvas flipping and painting obj's. (was a pretty big change from ps7) Still trying to figure it all out but haven't had too many problems with slowdown / crashing.

    *crosses fingers*
  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    Well I can't speak much for CS4 But I can say that CS3 Runs Good not Great but pretty good on my laptop and its spec'd out at a dual core 2 ghz 4 gbs ram and am intergrated 4500mhd intel gpu.... Im also running vista 64 bit so I dunno it could just be a ram issue who knows I use a bamboo tablet though so maybe I just don't recognize the Lag cause the pressure sensitivity and such is sooo much smaller than intuos...

    Just things to consider
  • |Buddy|
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    |Buddy| polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks for derailing the thread a bit guys :poly142:

    Ott, i'm on xp x64 just as mentioned in the original post, was on Vista before and the performance was all over terrible.

    edit: ah and yes i have patched my cs4.
  • AshleyTayles
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    AshleyTayles polycounter lvl 9
    I think my problem with CS4 is my graphics card and the fact I've got a 22" widescreen and a 17" running on full resolution. But even if I turn my secondary moniter (17") off and use my 22" it still runs bad. I'm running it on Windows 7 with the basic theme (no see-throughness) and I see no reason why it should run any worse than CS2 when I'm not doing anything that I don't do in CS2. CS2 is everything I need out of Photoshop, I'm sticking with it.
  • |Buddy|
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    |Buddy| polycounter lvl 11
    Haha yes, that's actually the way i got rid of the all-over lag, changing performance mode for multi-display for photoshop application.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    Matuka9011 wrote: »
    Where have you been? :D
    in the past :(
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    CS4 was shit before the patch, but now it runs buttery smooth :)
  • Kessler
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    Kessler polycounter lvl 17
    I have gangster amounts of mystery brush and selection lag after using SPACE BAR hand move tool in both CS2 and 3. This happens at work and at home. I have learned to swiftly press CTRL+R twice to rid it. But you have to do that every time you need to pan something. LAME!
  • |Buddy|
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    |Buddy| polycounter lvl 11
    Oh yes, the rulers are laggers as well.
  • Seaseme
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    Seaseme polycounter lvl 8
    MoP wrote: »
    lol, cos that's surely a sensible business model?

    We have a few copies of CS4 at work and as far as I can see it runs about the same as CS2...

    Then you must have better computers at work than I do. And it hardly matters if it's a sensible business model. it is what it is. And that is bloated.
  • Seaseme
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    Seaseme polycounter lvl 8
    There's that, and the gimp I suppose. I'm not complaining about adobe products before CS2 - CS2 rocks and I'll use it for as long as I can. I just think their newer stuff is junk.

    Maybe when I get a new computer I'll give it a shot again. Just not a huge fan of the way Adobe has been run the past few years.
  • |Buddy|
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    |Buddy| polycounter lvl 11
    I don't understand why couldn't adobe add 5d mk2 (and others) raw files support to older versions of Photoshop, currently only CS4 supports it (after camera raw update :S). It's not like they would loose sells on it.

    Anyways this thread derailed from original topic into '7 vs CS2 vs CS3 vs CS4' battle which wasnt the point :P Any idea on that slow down problem?

    edit: I just dumped most of the useless stuff from ps - 3dsclean style :poly142:
  • Seaseme
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    Seaseme polycounter lvl 8
    heh, sorry to drag the thread off topic.
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Speaking of Photoshop and crap... anyone tried painting textures on imported OBJs? I tried it out but I could not seem to figure out a way to use several layers, adjustment layers, etc. when doing it. It seemed to me like you were limited to painting in on layer more of less. Pretty useless if this is the case imo. Hopefully they will keep working on these features for the next version.
  • Ott
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    Ott polycounter lvl 13
    edit: I just dumped most of the useless stuff from ps - 3dsclean style

    Can you elaborate on what you did and how you did it?
  • |Buddy|
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    |Buddy| polycounter lvl 11
    I just dumped all language files except english ones, most of the useless plugins (the basic, required ones are more than enough in most cases), etc etc.
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