Hey Polycounters,
I am in need of some extremely high poly assets to use so I can brush back up on my mesh derived normal mapping skills. Any asset will do from a head to a building I just want to try a few new normal map ideas I have had swirling around in my brain from studying shaders over the past few weeks.
I would try and make something my self but as a Technical Artist I am more concerned behind the work flow and end results than the mesh it's self. So that is why I did not start making one, that and making something like that is going to take time I just don't have.
Normally I would take some assets from work and mess with them but our game only uses hand painted normals taken either from the diffuse or painted in gray scale and converted using Crazy Bump. So I have gotten to do zero tool development when it comes to this and that is something that I feel I need to know better as a TA.
Any help would be great and of course all credit will be given to you for your models when I post my finding on my website. Well hope there are some models you can swing my way and if its not textured don't worry about it again I just need really well done high poly models.
[ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fVsJDNrs34[/ame] looks like that, has a download link in the description
Sweet I am looking into right now. Thanks!