I'm at a bit of a loss as to how to approach the texturing of the buildings in this scene I've been working on. I want it to be portfolio worthy and I also want it to show that I can texture buildings using work ready guidelines. The problem is, I'm having a hard time figuring out what the general method is by looking at UT3 buildings and looking at other peoples works. So I'm hoping some of the working enviro guys can share their thoughts and offer some suggestions.
My little scene is a middle east setting and is an FPS like COD4 or SOCOM. I'm intending to put it into Unreal3. I really would like to know a few things, like:
1) What size of a texture sheet am I suppose to use for each building given that I would like this to be an COD4/SOCOM type enviro?
2) Are my textures suppose to be unique per building, or one tiling texture sheet, and one sheet for windows and other non-tiling stuff?
3) If I tile each of my buildings modular sections, how do I handle the very obvious texture tiling? This is an odd one, because when I play games, I notice this too, but it doesn't bother me. But when I try this on my buildings, I notice it alot and it really bothers me
I'm open to ANY suggestions, including remodeling anything to help with the texturing.
Heres a screen of my scene so far: