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2D Mecha-Horse design (Advice needed)

polycounter lvl 9
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garagarape polycounter lvl 9
Hi everyone,

I'm working on a Mecha-horse design.
I came to a point where I just can't go further.
Would you guys mind telling me your three favorite
horse shapes? I just can't decide by myself...

It is supposed to be an illustration in the end.
I wonder wich angle and pose would be the most
impressive for a mecha.

Hopefully I will post the final work here.



  • jmchristopher
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    jmchristopher polycounter lvl 11
    I don't really have a favorite "horse shape" LOL, what do you mean? can you post what you have so far?

    Edit: your swatches didn't load the first time! I like C, A and N.
  • Sauron
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    Sauron polycounter lvl 10
    like the 'I' one)
  • garagarape
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    garagarape polycounter lvl 9
    Thank you Sauron, thank you Jmchristopher!
    Well, what I have is a shity design.
    Anyway I post it.
    It lacks dynamism. I'd like something
    more sharp and cool like a good car design...
    I don't will to use the drawings above without
    changing them a bit (Scaling legs to get a faster feeling?)
    But first I need to choose one of them and that's not easy.
    Thank you for your comments!

  • garagarape
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    garagarape polycounter lvl 9
    Thank you Lampoly. It is not supposed to be modelised
    (Just an illustration). Yeah running one could be nice.
    Still I also like the standing one like n.
    Can't make up my mind.
  • garagarape
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    garagarape polycounter lvl 9
    Lampoly --> Ha ha! Look like a "power ranger" or something like that.
    My aim is just to show the mecha-horse (no scenery or rider).
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    it would seem it's too late, but i felt thumb A would be the best choice for a mechanical horse pose. nice work. i find horses terrifying.
  • garagarape
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    garagarape polycounter lvl 9
    KillingPeople, Thanks!
    No it's not too late.
    It is because I'm not satisfied
    with the robot-horse-illustration
    that I went back to basic rough-sketches.
    I must pick-up one of the poses of post #1 :)
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Hey those sketches at the top here are really good.
    I think one of the major issues with the robot version you posted is the back end isn't reading very well. Like its hard to get a sense of depth, and it looks like he's really short front to back, making the proportions seem off.
    Maybe just trying "A" as KP suggested would be a simple solution.
  • Taylor Hood
    Sauron wrote: »
    like the 'I' one)

    I agree. Get it? 'I' agree. Aren't I clever :)
  • d00kie
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    d00kie polycounter lvl 17
    K, F, or C.
    jokes aside.
    If I had to definitely give an answer to save the world or some chicken, i'd say C.
  • garagarape
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    garagarape polycounter lvl 9
    d00kie > Thank you! "C", all right. Many votes for "C". Because of C-bernetic?

    LomChaos > Thank you for your "Oyaji Gag" joke ;)

    BradMyers82 > Yeah you're right about the "short front to back" feel.
    That is what was disturbing me. Horse seen a little bit more from side
    should be better. Thanks!

    Lampoly > DaVinci's horse is nice. Still I'd like to avoid a too massive
    Look (In fact I already have an almost done illustration with a kind
    of "Percheron" wich is quite similar to the pic you sent).
    Galaxy Rangers? Oh yeah! They use to play this cartoon in France
    too when I was a kid. Thank you, I'll have a look to them horses.

    Thank you everyone. Bed time for now. Hope I'll have something new
    to show tomorrow.
  • garagarape
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    garagarape polycounter lvl 9
    So lets try "N" then.
    Last wip:

  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid polycounter lvl 10
    Yo, looking good so far :).

    Really nice horse drawings.

    Just want to chime in and say that i think you need to try out some less primitive forms, alot of what you are doing is very generic form wise.

    Have a look at some real world robots and machines and see if you cant find any cooler shapes to work in. though try and avoid the robots with plastic coverings just to make them look cool... (lol)

    big dog
    weird thing

    Also some of my fav mechanic designers.

    keith thompson

    I dont so much mean to go more realistic as more try and draw inspiration from real world parts to acheive some more interesting forms.

    Well good luck with it man!
  • garagarape
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    garagarape polycounter lvl 9
    Muzz, thank you so much for all those good refs!
    I particularly like the Japanese designer "clean" robots.
    Yeah you're right mine is quite simple actually.
    I will try to make it more complicated (add small pieces
    or make it hollow with machinery inside) when I have a nice
    and dynamic general shape.
  • garagarape
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    garagarape polycounter lvl 9
    Updated picture in post number #15
    Thank you for your help.
  • Havok
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    Havok polycounter lvl 14
    Ooh, beautiful stuff, garagarape. Really like the design of the last wip you posted. Definitely getting better. Are those sphere like things on his head supposed to be eyes? Doesn't seem like it but just wondering. Nice job :).
  • garagarape
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    garagarape polycounter lvl 9
    Thks Havok!
    Well it is more like a neck-head axis part;
    may be it doesn't have eyes or it is between steel
    sheets but not set.
    I found it cool that people can imagine what they
    want about the eyes position. One of the main issue
    was to make a mecha-horse; at first I was stuck on
    horse natural shapes and the result was not really mecha-like.
    So I thought that willing to draw all the horse parts slavishly
    was a mistake.
    Still I'm not very sure about the front legs.
    There may be better designs for them.
  • Walruz
    The second one remembers me to KOTOR style, good job mate
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