I have a small problem which I'm sure top-shelf modellers like you can deal with in a matter of minutes:
There's a simple model of a spaceship, about 350 triangles, textured with a few small images. The thing is that the engine I'm using currently requires, that two or more triangles cannot share the same region of the texture (in other words, UV coordinates cannot overlap).
However, as the ship is symmetrical, so is it's texture - there's only half of the ship on it, the other half uses same image, only with a mirrored UV.
Would anyone be so kind to convert the model and textures in such way, that each triangle has it's own part of the texture (by copying the current textures and repositioning the UV coords)?
I will be really thankful! Personally I have to experience in UV mapping and I need such model for testing my game
here are the files:
(.3ds and .dae, whichever filetype you prefer)