Hai guise, I'm working freelance on an indie game and we're using the Ogre engine. I've created some environments and characters for this game, but we're having a bit of trouble exporting these to Ogre. The programmer for the project will be looking into it this weekend, but I was wondering if any of you had any experience on using normal mapped assets with specular, AO, etc in this engine.
So... any tips?
+Bonus loveable walrus to melt your manly hearts and allow you to disclose trade secrets for free.
But anyways perhaps you could send these guys an email? http://liquidrockgames.blogspot.com/
They are working on a game with parralax and normal mapping and all the fancy shizz.
It's just a matter of defining a material, creating a technique for that material that uses a shader (hlsl/glsl/cg) and passing all the correct inputs from that technique to the shader (textures, constants, etc).
Take a look at \media\materials\scripts\Examples-Advanced.material and look for materials with 'Bump' or 'Normal' in the name, shouldn't be hard to modify them to include AO, spec map, or whatever else you require.
As for exporting, not totally sure, but you should be able to find a way to get your meshes in to ogre.. just make sure the normal mapped meshes have tangents (If your exporter doesn't do this, you can tell OGRE to build them for you).
If you have trouble with this, I'd recommend posting on the OGRE forums, they have a helpful community there and they'd be able to help you out better than we can.
Good luck!