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low poly NightCrawler

So I'm scraping some of my stupid stuff to start with low poly and go from there, I got a Nightcrawler concept from the-blueprints.com and started working from there :

Current polycount : 728 tri's (I'm trying to keep it under 800)

Tips and draw-overs very welcome :D


  • dolemite
    hmm, not bad. The arms aren't matching in the prifle tho. I'm not sure if that's good or bad.
  • Alec3d
    The reference arms were so rotated back it just looked ****ed so I modeled the arms the same but I moved it forward to avoid it looking strange.
  • Alec3d
    did a diffuse map, toes came out shit, I'll have to re-UV. Polycount is : 744 tris
  • butt_sahib
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    butt_sahib polycounter lvl 11
    Excellent improvement!
    Love how you took other peoples advice and started working on this character.

    Everything lookgs great.Make sure you check out as many tutorials as you can. Some popular ones would be i guess, im sure you already have checked these out...
    1) One from pig (where he talks about deformation )
    2) Smalls qalkthroughs on poopinmymouths site
    3) That tut by athey was nice
    4) I remember jay (jason lavoie) made a tutorial on how to make a low poly character

    And also check out ref. and wires from inspiring and talented artists. Two of them on the back of my head would be slaught (slaughter.jimdo.com) and b11 (benregimbal.com).

    As a quick ref. heres a model i made sometime ago.
    The only thing i want to show you here would probably be how by rotating a 4 sided box 45 degress, you can get rid of the boxy look that you have right now. Low poly, esp., deals with the Silhouette of the model. Everything INSIDE the silhouette is painted in. So your primary and probably the only concer should be the silhouette and how you can add interest to it.... So def. check out inspiring arists and try to study their wires and try to see why each and every freaking tri is there/not there (as there will def. be a reason)

    Good luck,im SURE this will rock.:)
  • butt_sahib
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    butt_sahib polycounter lvl 11
    Man that diffuse is killing the model.
    POst your texturemap!
  • Alec3d
    heres the texture map : (I know... I'm very rubbish at texturing :( )
  • Nistrum
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    Nistrum polycounter lvl 9
    theres alot of tricks to it. trick one... dont try and paint it like that. especially not to start with.. you need to have a batter idea of painting skin in the first place before you go playing with things that warp the idea (you gotta know the rule to break it). as much as possible to start with use photos if not as the texture then referance them ALOT in the texture.

    for example, a better way to do his facve might be to get a face picture fromone of the billions of photo archives out there... use the facial features from them and use photoshop to change the skintone from pinky closer to the blue purple culour to give you that solid grounding in reality that all our work needs to start from :)
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    night crawler is much darker than that, and almost purple in his diffuse. the blue really comes out in his specular values.
  • Alec3d
    Thanks Nistrum, I'll get to that today.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    the man who has mastered 1000 kicks is not as strong as the man who has mastered 1 kick 1000 times

    :) Keep practicing basics sir
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    seforin wrote: »
    the man who has mastered 1000 kicks is not as strong as the man who has mastered 1 kick 1000 times

    :)Keep practicing basics sir

  • Alec3d
    lol I can't tell wtf either of you are on about.
  • Alec3d
    Made some changes to the texture and added his tail :)
  • Taylor Hood
    Alec3d wrote: »
    lol I can't tell wtf either of you are on about.

    It's not hard to understand they are both telling you to pretty much keep practicing. And that is EXACTLY what you need to do. Also, you love your swearing don't you?
  • Nistrum
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    Nistrum polycounter lvl 9
    ill tell you what. post the OBJ for your character and ill make some textures for him. ill send you the files so you can see how I would do it.. i know imnot the greatest texturing person on the forums.. but im sure it cant hurt. :)
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
  • Alec3d
    @ Chaos : My brain can only understand so much of what Matt said
    @ Nistrum you can find it by this link : http://forum.unity3d.com//files/nightcrawlermodel_165.zip

    @ almighty : whaaaaat the?
  • Nistrum
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    Nistrum polycounter lvl 9

    ok this took me about 2 hours. but there were alot of things i felt needed changing.. i got alot of advice for you man, but before we start i want you to understand.. this is all about helping you... i would like nothing more than for you to come back in 2 weeks. having used what i have told you here you then return with something uber...

    that said. the changed OBJ if you PM me ill send back to you. the same with the photoshop file and the texture i made to do this.

    first up.. heres how i got him looking. the tex was REALLY easy to make, i wanted to keep it to something i know you could make with relatively little effort.


    as for how.

    i changed the geometry to make a little more anatomical sence. something that helped me alot is A drawing skulls from referance.. in plan then when you feel more confident in 3/4 view. then after that making a very basic skull shape and posting it somewhere like here so people can pick out the errors. the human head is a pain in the butt and it will take you a while to master so fear not :)

    the texture was quite simple. after id made the geometric changes i went out looking for male faces on the google image search. came up with something i think most people on here are probably farmilliar with.. the average male face that comes up each time i do that search.. so i used that image quickly put it into photoshop messed with the colour using the Hue/Saturation filter until i had what i wanted. sampled the colour from the cheeks using the dropper tool and painted in ther rest of the area i needed (under the neck and the rest of the jaw) then i added in the rest of the hair.. painted the eye a browny colour and used the dodge tool to get the glow effect :D


    i think thats about it. your welcome to use the texture i made and the obj i changed to keep going i hope only that you learn from it man :) i hope at least some of what i said makes sence... good luck man :)
  • Michael Knubben
    I don't think the way to teach this guy to paint textures is to teach him how to Google for photographs, Nistrum.
    If anything, he just needs to keep on painting, and taking the criticism here to heart.
  • Alec3d
    I'm also wondering how to create believable clothes and stuff for fantasy and sci-fi cahracters
  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid greentooth
    Look at real clothes and make it more exotic...

    You are getting a hell of a lot of good feedback here man, but until you start thinking outside of the box and solving problems yourself you arent going to get anywhere.

    Most of an artists knowledge has to be inputted into your subconsious because there are too many things to think about when working on a peice that it would become an ugly mess. An artist only gets this subconsious knowledge through applying it.

    I know that your only 14 and you have a hell of a long way ahead of yourself yet. This is the perfect age to try and get a good foundation on art, as this stuff will stick in your mind for the rest of your life. I would say focus less on doing finished work and spend more time studying the basics, especally perspective, form and design. Hell im going to even say that its a good idea to ignore anatomy till you have those other things down.

    Well anyways im going to post a thread that i have been updating with art since i started to get serious about it, perhaps it might help you.

  • Luke_Starkie
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    Luke_Starkie polycounter lvl 8
    This may seem abit ridiculous, But i'm only 14 ive been doing this 6 months and i can feel a massive improvement, so if you keep going i'm sure you can too buddy. Just dont jump straight into stuff like modeling and texturing characters. Hell i started of modeling and texturing a wooden crate.
    -Good luck man :)
  • Alec3d
    Haha, I started with a good 'ol vase.
  • Nistrum
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    Nistrum polycounter lvl 9
    mighty.. no but he clearly needs to start from somewhere. learning skin tones is alot easyer if your doing i from something thats already there. i first learned how to do simple skin tones by copying photos. once id learnt some of how it works i thenmoved onto painting faces for myself.

    technically the best thing for you to do is wonder over to conceptart.org and do some of the workshop/mentoring bits so you can get a better feel for skins.. personally as a learning exorsize i would get you to first work on the drawing of the skull and bassic anatomy. for 2 reasons.. reason 1 being it is without a doubt almost 100% vital that you learn it. because sooner or later for work or pleasure you wil want to create a character and anatomy is the only way you will aquire the basic skills you need.

    reason 2 is for texturing you NEED basic art skills, and as boring as it may seem. the only way to preogress is to start with the same basic lessons you get in art class.skintones being the last of your problems... while you work on your 2D art skills for organic work.. work on basic mechanical stuff in 3D start off with things that you can reach. a coke can, a monitor a mouse and a CD prefect the art of texturing those along side. i know its not exactly making unreal.. but you gotta walk before you can run :)
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    If I may throw my opinion on the pile, I'm not sure skin tones are a concern at this point. I've always been inclined to think you're better to avoid photosourcing when you're first starting off. References certainly. Fill your entire hard drive up with references, but you'll learn far more painting the details onto the blank texture bit by bit.

    Alec3D. I think the first thing you need to look into is lighting. Once you start getting some highlights and shadows going on there you'll a far easier time getting your texture to look more solid and believable. Start of with the larger areas and then refine them as you go.

    Everyone has a slightly different philosophy but ultimately, the one thing you can take away from all of this is that you just need to keep at it. Keep practicing and you'll get better.
  • butt_sahib
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    butt_sahib polycounter lvl 11
    Agree with jb and mpea.
    You really need to slow down man. Are you racing someone to the finish line? Why dont you spend more time on a project rather than rushing it through? Why dont you learn from a project as much as one really should?
    Just look at the time you spent on it. You started on the 7/24/09. Your first post is at 6 am (for me atleast,not that it matters) and your next post is at 9:44 am. Difference between the two posts timewise? 3 hours tops. And in three hours, you modeled, unwrapped and textured the whole model. How the hell do you think you wil improve when youre not even giving in 10% effort? Low poly models like these used to be given 2-3 days i believe,and thats 2-3 days in studio-time (everything is pretty intense when your in a studio,something youll experience one day). so atleast gibve it HALF of that. Force yourself to stay on the same model and forcefully evolve yourself. Its not as hard as it sounds.
    Right now, your just jumping from one thing to another. Though it is tempting to do this, we all have a million ideas in our heads on what to make next when we're pretty much 10% done with the model we are working on right now. But its that skill that you need to develop. Stay on one model.
    Why dont you take critique from people on the board? As an eg, i showed you an example of improving the shillhouette but rotatings the arms. Honestly, i think you should have taken up that critique and went BACK to the crawler and fix it. Along with many other critique your getting.....
    Did you chck out those websites i told you about? did you learn anything from them? remember, you really have to try hard to get all that shit into your head. And even more difficult, applying that.
    What i want from you right now, is to pick a project. A simple one,pretty much like this one, and spend AT LEAST 2 days on it. 2 days means AT LEAST 10-15 hours. Post updates often,so you get critique on everything......
    When you get to the texturing phase, CONCENTRATE on what jackablade has said.....
    "Start of with the larger areas and then refine them as you go". Right now, you just have BIG BIG areas of lightness and darkness. Thats the FIRST step. Why didnt you go in and refine it more? did you get bored? did you even TRY?

    Highlights are always essential imo. a 5 min job.meh,

    Good luck. You need to up your game dude. You may have the potential. But you need to give it a 110% of your CURRENT skill.
  • Nistrum
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    Nistrum polycounter lvl 9
    lol butt. that wasnt him it was me. and i did it really quickly so he could get a look at a slightly better representation of what hed done.

    i wasnt disagreeing about the skin tones thing. was only trying to help him with what hes trying to do right now. i was encouraging the guy to keep working on it. dont discourage him simply because hes not got the skills to determine good workflow from bad.

    he needs practice thats for sure.. i think he needs to finnish this.. if for no better reason than its practice.. then move on to something like a simple object.. like i said a can or cup or something.

    either way i think we all realise one way or the other we all want to help him. all im doing is encouraging him not to give up on something hes already started... he could potentially learn so much from.
  • Alec3d
    Thanks for all your replies, yes i'm taking things slow now - quality not quantity yes? :D

    I appreciate all your suggestions, I know I can produce something great, so now I'm focusing on taking my time with my 2d concepts to make sure they're correct (anatomically wise with characters) and I'm going to dig up as much as I can for creating textures.
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