Hey, just wanted to ask if anyone has a simple solution to this question...
I already know about advanced painter and soulburn scripts. Only problem there is if the object I am painting on is not flat, or in other words Not on a x,y,z axis, then it warps the bolt I am placing. The whole purpose of my using a script like this is to quickly place bolts on a irregular surface and of course not warping there scale.
Anyone have a solution? Am I simply not setting my pivot up correctly or something?
As always, thanks in advance guys!
makes it fit perfectly onto the surface i'm aligning to.
Hey guys, reset xform did the trick! Thanks a lot to everyone here! Seriously, this will speed things up a ton, especially on this model I am currently working on.
I often times start with primitives and immediately scale them to get them about the right size. This must have been what was causing the problem.
Probably just resetting the scale in the hierarchy tab will do the trick. Honestly Soulburns object painter script is much friendlier to use and accurately copies the scale.
Plus it does:
- Paints on all objects added to the paint on list, not just currently selected.
- Pick a axis to scale randomly instead of scaling them all. Rocks come out a little more irregular that way.
- He also labeled XYZ instead of just leaving you to guess like Advanced Painter.
- Able to assign a usage weight to objects.
- Give the painted objects a prefix name.
- Display painted objects as box.
- Switch between brush and place.
- Save Preferences.
Niels spline painter script also rocks the pants right off of Advanced Painter.
I need to check his out because Advance Painter's spline painting tools are all complete fucking garbage. I mean they are good for making Spaghetti or Toothpaste I guess but I'll be fucked if I ever want to cover the guns I make in toothpaste. I suppose it would be good for welds...