Hello , Iahve the need to make an animated lava texture and I was wondering how could I do ? I did one by hand bgut I took forever to just make 32 frames and it didnt look that good , I also tried a way to do it in 3dsmax , worked enough well but I dunno how to export as a tiling animated texture , so the problem is how to make it tiled , anyone has any idea or tips on how to make it ?:)
Thankyou , the first tut I knew and I followed it , but then I dunno how to make a render out of it so that it just renders the lava animation instead also fo the outside borders , and as for the second two , it dont says what he is using to make , what tools , is still 3dmsax or what is?
Once you have the map animating the way you like, right-click on the map's main image and choose Render.
I created this animated fire material a few years ago, all by just messing around with procedural textures in the Material Editor.
You can also create lava bubbles that pops by creating a hemisphere. Then create a lava texture with a roughed up opacity around the top, animate the UVs so they move vertically and the bubble will pop.
cant find the bottom links
Btw I have been doing this :
make a material gradient ramp , then set up a bit the settings like this
tough when I render it displays always the background , that I put green behind , but then I need to go into each frame and cut and then make a cut and paste work to make just the texture apply , then also the texture isnt looping well since it has a junmp at the end and it doesnt tile
- Create a camera, set it to orthographic view so you're not getting any perspective or lens distortion.
- Right click the viewport name, turn on safe frame.
- Open the Render Setup dialog (9), click the common tab, set the dimensions to that of your final texture size.
- Now adjust the camera/viewport so it fits your tile perfectly.
cool thanks but how I do now to make the animation tileable if I apply it on sided panels in a game? and how to make it loop without looking it bouncing?
And then follow this to clean up the edges and corners.
I didnt understand those much ....
Here a quote :
first of all , is this intended to be in 3dsmax?
second , I tried to copy drag the material I did in a mix material in the two slots , then I tried to change the phase from 0 to 1 for the first and for the second I couldnt couse it doesnt takes -1 as instead is stated in this tutorial ...
then how I do crossfade one over the other?[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helv]
what means animating the Mix Amount 100 - 0 frames 0 to 30?
mmm I think I got how but how I do add on top another map ? for the point 4?
After Step 3 if it loops fine don't worry about the contrast correction (step 4). It only works for B/W materials anyway. Which you could do your lava in B/W and add a solid color overlay later I guess...
To loop the phase:
- Turn on Auto Key
- Move the time slider to 30
- Set the phase to 1 for material 1
- Set the phase to 0 for material 2
- Move the time slider back to 0
- Set the phase to 0 for material 1
- Set the phase to 0 for material 2
* Note: You can't set the phase to a negative number in newer versions of 3dsmax, at least not in the material editor, it has to be done in the curve editor.
- Open the curve editor (Graph Editors > Track View > Curve Editor)
- Expand Medit Materials > YourLavaMaterial > Maps > Diffuse color: Map#1 > Color2:FUBAR > Click Phase
- Click the first key, either drag it down to -1 or type -1 into the bottom type-in bar.
Animate the mix:
- Assuming Auto Key is still on.
- Set the time slider to 0 and set the mix to 0.
- Move the time slider to 30 and set the mix to 100.
I think the version Eric did that tutorial in was Max 3 maybe 4. So a few specific things have changed but the overall theory is correct and works.
I see severall subcategories right after the fubar but no phase only if I open other subcategories I see phase but I am not sure if its this I had to expand and where to click ....
I tired so to change the parameter's phase at .-1 in frame 0 and 0 to the final , but it reverted to 0 for all frames and if I placed -1 at beginning it set like so for all frames....
Make sure you didn't animate the phase in "noise". If noise is turned off that phase track won't show animation. You have a few tracks selected so it might be hard to edit the right curve. Make sure you click on just phase. If it doesn't show animation check that you animated the right phase in the material editor.
Using gradient ramps it should like this:
u think u can make a fast version that I could see ? I use max 2009 ...
K I sent u in pm a link for it ....