Project name:
Brief description:
Troubleshoot is a third-person shooter, multiplayer only total conversion Half-Life 2 mod set in a futuristic, sci-fi world. The core feature of Troubleshoot rests in a deep, robust system of character customization, allowing you to customize your character to any playstyle you'd like. Players choose a base set of equipment, light, medium, or heavy, and a base set of weapons, i.e shotgun and sniper, and then are able to spend a set amount of cash (This is before joining a server, so cash never changes) to upgrade and customize those armor sets and weapons. This includes thing such as a lighter material armor, making you quicker, or a larger clip for your weapon, allowing you to shoot more without reloading. Cash can also be used to purchase active or passive abilities, to further customize your characters, whether you want skills that push you further towards a medic-type playstyle or a run-and-gunner. Players then take their customized sets online and battle other players in a variety of competitive team-based game types where teams will have to effectively combine different roles to succeed.
We're sitting at a pretty deep system of customization right now, as we really want to expand on being able to choose the exact playstyle you want. We really believe that its going to add a new level to shooter gameplay beyond just being able to react/twitch the fastest. Its also something that hasn't really been done before aside from Call of Duty's perk system, which doesn't even come close to the depth of our system, so we think something like this is really hitting an untapped genre and could grow immensely popular.
Target aim:
We have full intention to be published through Steamworks, similarly to TF2, CS, and Garry's Mod, and believe that this is a huge possibility. The mod will originally be released for free, but once it reaches a large enough community, hopefully shift to paid status. While I will not guarantee profits, there is a large chance that some type of royalties will be involved in the end. However, I would not join this project just because of that, as our main goal is just to create something enjoyable, and making money is just a positive side-effect.
Source SDK
Talent needed:
1 Programmer: We have a couple on the team already, but we could always use extra help from a highly experienced or highly skilled programmer. We'd prefer you already have Source knowledge, but if you are skilled in other areas of C++ and are willing to put in the effort and time, we'd still be happy to have you. Unfortunately, we are not looking for beginning C++ programmers at this time, as this is not really a project you would want to begin learning C++.
2-3 Concept Artists: We are actively searching for both environment and character concept artists at this time. Environments are similar to those found in UT3 or Gears, with a futuristic, sci-fi feel. Character style can be seen in the images below, and is also pretty self-explanatory following the power armor, sci-fi style as well.
3-4 3D Artists: Our two animators are currently sitting idly with nothing to do as our current character modelers are stacked up with a few other things right now, so we could definitely use more character modelers at this time. We are also open to environment modelers, though note that we are looking for ENVIRONMENT modelers, not "prop" modelers. We do have someone boxing out the levels for us and the task would be to work in a small team to decorate the level. We currently do not need any animators at this time.
2D Menu/GUI Artist: Job involves creating our GUI panels and textures, as well as our equipment customization menu. We already have one person in this position, but I'm always up for the best of two worlds.
1 Level Designer: It would be preferable that you also do your own textures and assets, but if you are extremely skilled at player flow and design, I'd still like to hear from you.
1 Writer/Designer: This is mainly just someone for me to run all of our ideas through and to give feedback/critique. Most of this will deal with the upgrade and ability designs, but could also function as someone who pumps out ideas for level designs as well.
Team structure:
We are currently made up of:
2 Writer/Designers
3 Concept Artists
2 Character 3D Artist/Texturer
1 3D Environment Artist
2 Animators
2 Programmers
1 Level Designer
My MSN contact is:
Chandler-T@hotmail.comPrevious Work by Team:
Additional Info:

The full-size versions of these images and the rest of our current concepts and 3D work can viewed on our media page at:
Troubleshoot - Media
Our brand new developer's blog can also be viewed here, which we hope use as something to promote the community of the game as well as provide tips to aspiring developers as we learn from our experiences:
Developer's Blog
We are a relatively new project, only beginning about 3 or 4 weeks ago, but we are growing fast. This is a professional level project, and thus we are seeking at least near-professional people. You may view our forums and say "Oh, there's no posts, they must not be active," but as of right now most everything runs through E-mail/MSN and we just haven't used the forums at all. We believe that we've come up with a unique idea that is well-feasible within an indie team's abilities without taking years to develop, and we hope to achieve a total development time of around 5 months, making it a great way to get your name on a working title in a short amount of time.