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Maya Masters

i was told by someone that Maya Master was a title that actually exists in the 3D world....... Naturally I didn't believe them.....until I googled it to my suprise and sheer noobishness the title actually exists.

I was wondering how many Maya Masters are out there in such a time consuming and highly skilled industry.??

As there are many exceptional artists out there who could all arguably wager that they are Maya Masters how does Alias or should I now say Autodesk weedle through these excpetional artists to decide which ones deserve such a prestigious title.

Also I was wondering though this thread will probably get ignored why doesn't polycount make it's own award kinda thingy for artistic and techinal excellence to go along with the challenges section so every year we recognise a brillant and talented artist on our boards a bit like a respect thread.


  • PixelGoat
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    PixelGoat polycounter lvl 12
    Sounds very silly to me.
  • j_bradford
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    j_bradford polycounter lvl 17
    I'd say it's marketing for them
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    mayas my bitch
  • glib
    Yeah it's mostly autodesk hype, but it doesn't mean I wouldn't like to win one sometime down the road.

  • Pseudo
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    Pseudo polycounter lvl 18
    eh its a cool recognition but the title is rarely given on artistic merit, it's generally someone who can demo the product very well.
  • Zwebbie
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    Zwebbie polycounter lvl 18
    "Dear Michelangelo, for your painting of the Sistine Chapel, you can now call yourself a Master of our paintbrushes!"

    "Dear Shakespeare, for your Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, you can now call yourself a Master of our brand of paper!"

    Unless it's purely that only a handful of people around the world know how to find and use all of Maya's bloated, obscure and useless features, in which case, why the fuck would you be proud of that as a company?
  • amotaf
    Ah kk thanks for the link i read it, so basically through the work they produce, through mentoring, and for their contribution to advancing the tools we use. These are apparently some of the reasons given for their nominations so it isn't just for their work it's like a lifetime's achievement award a bit similar to those awards such as CBEs or OBEs that actors and muscians get in the yearly honors list for their contribution to "said" field.

    If that's the case then most of them probably deserve it as most of us know that 3d art is time consuming and skillsets are constantly being revised and moving forward especially when it comes to games as a new engine or 3rd party software comes out every other week.(Sarcasm but you know what I mean right??)

    So for them to sacrifice such time in mentoring and to overall help improve our own endeavours deserves some type of recgonition I suppose as they have been give the award not just for their excellence but for the fact that they have given back soo much especially in an industry where alot of us will have to self teach ourselves at some point.

    It might sound like I am some type of promoter but I was just as skeptical as you guys were until I read some of their stories it has given me a new perspective on things a bit like an epiphany.

    i mean Piyush Patel has unwittingly been one of my best teachers and I didn't even know it as I learnt alot from the digital tutors videos I still have those.....

    What do you guys think of polycount having a respect thread of a sort like a way for us to vote for people who we feel have contributed alot on theses forums not just in creating excelllent artwork but in helping us all improve as artists whether it be as a hobby or for more professional endeavours that would be cool right???.
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    I think it would be pointless. I know who I respect and admire anyway, dont need a thread to remind me. And these people get their thanks in the threads/replies they post.

    However if those people want medals, titles and whatever to make them feel better then sure, it doesn't bother me. But I wouldn't be bothered to vote or even click on that vote thread.
  • PixelGoat
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    PixelGoat polycounter lvl 12
    Agree with Yozora. The people who are worthy of praise already know it, and get plenty of it as it is :)
  • amotaf
    Kk point taken. :thumbup:
  • IEatApples
    I met a Maya master once, shameful of me not to remember his name though. He came in to do a talk at uni, was quite cool. His showreel was very impressive and he had done a lot to tutor people etc.
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    PixelGoat wrote: »
    Agree with Yozora. The people who are worthy of praise already know it, and get plenty of it as it is :)
    Yep. JFletcher! The rest of you can fuck off!

  • jerry
    If you can master the piece of crap software that 3DStudio Max is, i'll take my hat of for you.
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    PixelGoat wrote: »
    Agree with Yozora. The people who are worthy of praise already know it, and get plenty of it as it is :)

    we're all worthy of praise...

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