This helmet is for project hostile ( )
Im working with my own concept art created in photoshop in blender since my silo trial ran out.
I'd appreciate some tips but remember I'm youngen so go easy on me!
Currently at 156 quads (no tris)
that is, if I'm seeing the character right; a human with a ninjaesque mask, like zub-zero right?
here's something to help you out with the profile of the head:
and check out this image (and google) for some help with proper polygon flow:
PS : ignore the two really close edge loops in the centre of the model (blender's mirroring)
Would appreciate some tips on how I can improve it.
you don't even have the basic forms right, and you're moving onto something complex like normalmapping...
worked on the proportions and optimized the mesh.
Though keep looking at nice head topologies,find out whats common in all of them, and try to do it to your head. The best way i would go about it pick some verts in the area you think could use improvement, remove them so you have just a big surface with no edges/verts. Then cut in the edges you saw on the topo or whatever you think would fit and then move those verts in place. BOOM
Good luck!
pretty good for a 14 year-old
You only get one thing out of age,actually two. Experience and practice. Now before and after you finished this model, you gained practice. Now for experience, so that the next model you make is alot better than this one (according to your personal level ofcourse), you need to LEARN and APPLY the shit you things youve learned wHIlE working on this model.
Theres alot of us who started when we were your age. Theres not many, but we're not non-existent So dont try to satisfy yourself by saying "ooooh,i THINK i could have done much better if i spent more time on it, but OH WELL, im 14 so i guess its ok"
Sorry about being abit harsh, but those are the standards i set myself upto. Practice and preach
Good luck on your next endevour. learn and apply
is the normal map normalized? Get the nvidia normal map plugin if you dont have it already and normalize this bitch.
It also seems as though you dont have the low poly smoothed out (which causes the tessellation on the normal map as we have here). Smooth and rebake
You could also add more interest to the diffuse aswell. No speculars?
Take care~
Keep at it. Practice makes perfect.
Thats why alot of people who model better than they draw like to work from sweet concepts by more practiced artists.
since it seems you sculpted out your head base mesh , a rule of thumb with ANYTHING sculpting is that you want even distributed polygons across your mesh
meaning all your polys are equally spaced from one another and all of it has relitvely close geo
This will help since sculpting in whatever program takes your mesh and doubles its polys each time , if your polys are more intense in 1 area versus another that area will sub divide more then the others. Meaning that it will be hard to sculpt.
I will show a example of a base mesh good to use a bit later. I dont have acess to the proper files right now.
now that you learned the process of making something high poly and low poly and baked its normal maps.
now you can take this knoweldge and work on your next piece and not rush though it sine you know how to do the steps now Take time and make it look good. Believe me its tough but better to do it 20 times while your still young and full of excess retard energy
Also, your refrence, as Zac and Fearian said they are simply not good enough.
You've rushed into modelling, sculpting and then layed out a shoddy diffuse map on the thing.
Do yourself a favor and take everyone's advice. Better to do it now, then when you're 25.
This might work a lot better with subD modeling rather than sculpting?
Also set your model to smooth.
That thingy in your edit mode next to solid.
@ Seforin : yeah I see that now, I'm not familiar with hi res workflow
@ fearian : Yes I'll have to take more time with my 2d side, I'm doing all the code and organizing stuff for the game so I'm always in a rush but looks like I'll have to take a lot more time. I'd like to make models out of some professional concepts but isn't that copying?
@ LoM chaos : yep I'm going to have to take my time with everything. I'm shit at texturing, know any good tutorials?