This looks sooooo bad ass. i just love the whole style and feel of it, the animations, colors, level, all of it, pure sex on the beach.
I don't know who you are Michael Gagne, but I love you, and you may have me.
He is responsible for a lot of the visual effects in the movie Iron Giant, and also for some shorts he made a few years back.. let me dig up some links.
This game looks great, the silhouettes and animation are awesome. I especially liked that big mouth thing chasing the ship near the middle of the trailer. Hopefully they can finish this game and get it shipped. Unfortunately my 2d sidescroller skills have atrophied, still though it looks fun and I look forward to playing it.
looks real nice. : ) can't help but wish it was a return to the Out of this World / Heart of Darkness style of gameplay instead though. Something like that with these visuals would have been so perfect.
Looks great - not really my sort of game (I got stressed imaging having to shoot all those projectiles just watching!) but the visual style is really refreshing and nicely polished. I couldn't tell which parts were ingame and which were cutscenes which means somebody was doing the right thing!
I KNEW that name sounded familiar. Michel Gagne has done the first comic for every Flight anthology so far. Flight is a series of compilations from a wide variety of comic artists, highly recommended stuff even for those who aren't typically interested in comics (such as myself).
dude this is an amazing god damn game. I love metroid and this is nothing short of metroid with a spaceship. AMAZING art, level design and pace!! i'm loving this.
He is responsible for a lot of the visual effects in the movie Iron Giant, and also for some shorts he made a few years back.. let me dig up some links.
And man, this looks wicked!
I could probably watch someone play it!
Hmmm. You know I do live near fanatagraphics books and he his local...
I've loved those kind of games since Smash TV
It's amazing!
check out this teaser too, it's very interesting to see how much never made it into the game:
Crimsonland for pc is one of my favourite games. So many weapons and perks. Just swarm after swarm.
I'll definitely check this game out.