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3ds Max Preview Selection questions

Hey guys,

It's probably quite clear now that I'm trying to customise Max to my liking as much as I can, and lots of questions prop up in the process. Right now I'm struggling with Preview Selection sub-object and Multi, which is something I've been meaning to look into, given that I use it all the time in Silo/Wings3d.
First off, is there a way to tweak how it works? Preview Selection makes Max's selection much, much more reliable, but annoyingly it queues things up for selection as long as you hold down ctrl (just try it, it's hard to explain), meaning you have to hit ctrl at the last second before you click on the edge you want to add to your selection, or risk adding this whole trail of random edges to your selection. Given that there are people here who know Max much better than I do, I was wondering if this could be changed in the settings or something.

Also, can a script directly call to one of the three settings (off/subobject/multi), instead of just advancing through them, as the shortcut-key does?
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