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The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Review - ZeitgeistReview

Hey everyone, I just finished my review for Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

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  • ImSlightlyBored
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    ImSlightlyBored polycounter lvl 13
    here's mine
    good game, went on a bit though.
  • ZeitgeistReview
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    but not as long as ocarina of time, and i found that pretty dissapointing.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    Despite being initially developed for the Gamecube, as you mentioned, you gave the presentation of the game a low review. Specifically, you say the "graphics are pretty bad". Low polygon counts and texture resolutions do not make a game bad in regards to visuals. You gave no comparison to previous console Zelda titles, only stating it does not utilize the graphical power of the Wii, which is not significantly greater than the Gamecube. During this segment of the review, the shots displayed from the game show great use of light and texture, creating an immersive atmosphere. Zelda games are loved for their colorful style. Just thought I'd give a heads up to a part of the video that made my jaw drop. Be fair. If you were to go back and give Zelda64 a low score for presentation, you would be hunted down by an angry mob.

    The graphics are likely aliased due to the lower resolution of the Wii in comparison to other consoles. Playing at 420p with a component cable set up can help.

    Hey, it's either a long game...or everyone is bitching about how short it is. :D
  • ZeitgeistReview
    ElysiumGX wrote: »
    Despite being initially developed for the Gamecube, as you mentioned, you gave the presentation of the game a low review. Specifically, you say the "graphics are pretty bad". Low polygon counts and texture resolutions do not make a game bad in regards to visuals. You gave no comparison to previous console Zelda titles, only stating it does not utilize the graphical power of the Wii, which is not significantly greater than the Gamecube. During this segment of the review, the shots displayed from the game show great use of light and texture, creating an immersive atmosphere. Zelda games are loved for their colorful style. Just thought I'd give a heads up to a part of the video that made my jaw drop. Be fair. If you were to go back and give Zelda64 a low score for presentation, you would be hunted down by an angry mob.

    The graphics are likely aliased due to the lower resolution of the Wii in comparison to other consoles. Playing at 420p with a component cable set up can help.

    Hey, it's either a long game...or everyone is bitching about how short it is. :D

    Thanks for watching and providing your feedback! Yea, I agree about the aliasing due to the resolution. And really, the graphics quality was just my opinion of it. It's not like my opinion is the all mighty truth ;-) Once I got into the game a bit, I thought the graphics improved, but as I just started to play the game, I just thought they were terrible, especially around water sources. The aliasing gets way out of control there. In my video, I show the horse standing in a small pond, and if you look at his legs, you'll see terrible aliasing. I guess that really turned me off initially (like I said in the review) but I eventually came back and loved the game the rest of the way through :-)
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    I agree with Elysium. Yea, obviously the graphics weren't the greatest, but the game has top notch art direction, what power they did use, they pulled off flawlessly with the stylistic approach they were wanting and capturing the 2d concept art extremely well. Graphics shouldn't be called bad simply because they are pushing the limits of the hardware. There's been plenty of game pushing more polys and effects than this but lacked the solid art direction that makes the art of this Zelda title so cohesive and consistent throughout.
  • ZeitgeistReview
    Thanks for watching ebagg!
  • Junkie_XL
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    Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
    Too long, too short... Can't please everyone.

    While the graphics didn't take advantage of the Wii I still enjoyed it well enough. I never want a Zelda game to end. I want 100 dungeons if I could...lol

    I used to be in the camp that thought the GameCube and the Wii are too similar in graphics until High Voltage Software came around. They proved me wrong. Hoping Nintendo can pull off some normal mapping like they did for the next Wii Zelda.

    Anyway good review. Makes me want to go play again. The only thing I didn't like was the wolf component. Some of the areas that required collecting as the wolf were almost as boring as the beginning. I also can't be arsed with Poe collecting.
  • ZeitgeistReview
    I hear that. I also didn't like that I had to talk to Midna to transform into a wolf every time too. A single button press would have been better, with a faster animation.
  • Parnell
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    Parnell polycounter lvl 18
    Well...better than your review of Final Fantasy: The After Years, but still you have some inconsistencies that make me wonder just what you expect in a game. (especially one on the Wii). You say at @3:30 that the controls should allow for the gamecube controller then @30 seconds later say the game was AWESOME to use the bow and hook shot. Perhaps, you meant the sword swings should just be like the "B" button? I mean if you used the gamecube controller you wouldn't be able to do a ton of cool shit in Twilight...LIKE FISHING! I mean you could but it's so less gratifying:)
    I'd have to say after playing Twilight on the Wii I could never go back to aiming the bow or hook shot with a shitty analogue stick it's just no where near as bad ass. I'm also a little miffed that you think the graphics are so bad. I mean should the game look like Oblivion? (Terrible looking game but it has sweet NoRmAl M4pX!) Or just have higher resolution textures? It's not like the Wii can do 720p or 1080i/p so I'm not sure what you are expecting the Wii to do about the aliasing. I mean the effects that they employed are totally bad ass IMO. I agree on the sound/music. It was pretty weak that they used midi sound. They should have just used the same orchestra that played Mario Galaxy music play the tunes for the Wii Version. I think it would've been a good selling point too. As for voice overs...dude if Zelda EVER adds in voice actors the entire Zelda universe will be destroyed. The last thing I want to see is Link voiced by a fucking Jonas Brother and Lindsay Lohan's sister "act" for the Princess. UGH. I've always preferred the simple gesture voice that starts at the beginning of text. As for the beginning yes boring for sure. I mean whenever I play a Zelda, or really any sequel that's for the "all ages" bunch I always have to remind myself that there are kids that have never played a Zelda game before and to just grin and bear it. In a lot of ways they were trying to build up the story but seeing as you pretty much just ditch those town folk for the rest of the game it did seem kind of pointless. Perhaps, they should've made the tasks a little less "chore" like. I'd have to say the exploration in this Zelda was the best i've ever had. Finding caves and spending over 2 hours exploring a cavern by blowing up walls and digging deeper and deeper was just soooo damn cool. I hope the next Zelda is even more exploration but seeing as they are going more and more casual...i bet it'll be some Wii Zelda Hack n' lose weight game:P
    Also, intro was a little long. I'd just drop the intro altogether. Just run a sweet Zeitgeist logo down at the bottom. semi-transparent. If you must have an intro just make it like 1-2 seconds tops.
  • ZeitgeistReview
    Parnell wrote: »
    Well...better than your review of Final Fantasy: The After Years, but still you have some inconsistencies that make me wonder just what you expect in a game. (especially one on the Wii). You say at @3:30 that the controls should allow for the gamecube controller then @30 seconds later say the game was AWESOME to use the bow and hook shot. Perhaps, you meant the sword swings should just be like the "B" button? I mean if you used the gamecube controller you wouldn't be able to do a ton of cool shit in Twilight...LIKE FISHING! I mean you could but it's so less gratifying:)
    I'd have to say after playing Twilight on the Wii I could never go back to aiming the bow or hook shot with a shitty analogue stick it's just no where near as bad ass. I'm also a little miffed that you think the graphics are so bad. I mean should the game look like Oblivion? (Terrible looking game but it has sweet NoRmAl M4pX!) Or just have higher resolution textures? It's not like the Wii can do 720p or 1080i/p so I'm not sure what you are expecting the Wii to do about the aliasing. I mean the effects that they employed are totally bad ass IMO. I agree on the sound/music. It was pretty weak that they used midi sound. They should have just used the same orchestra that played Mario Galaxy music play the tunes for the Wii Version. I think it would've been a good selling point too. As for voice overs...dude if Zelda EVER adds in voice actors the entire Zelda universe will be destroyed. The last thing I want to see is Link voiced by a fucking Jonas Brother and Lindsay Lohan's sister "act" for the Princess. UGH. I've always preferred the simple gesture voice that starts at the beginning of text. As for the beginning yes boring for sure. I mean whenever I play a Zelda, or really any sequel that's for the "all ages" bunch I always have to remind myself that there are kids that have never played a Zelda game before and to just grin and bear it. In a lot of ways they were trying to build up the story but seeing as you pretty much just ditch those town folk for the rest of the game it did seem kind of pointless. Perhaps, they should've made the tasks a little less "chore" like. I'd have to say the exploration in this Zelda was the best i've ever had. Finding caves and spending over 2 hours exploring a cavern by blowing up walls and digging deeper and deeper was just soooo damn cool. I hope the next Zelda is even more exploration but seeing as they are going more and more casual...i bet it'll be some Wii Zelda Hack n' lose weight game:P
    Also, intro was a little long. I'd just drop the intro altogether. Just run a sweet Zeitgeist logo down at the bottom. semi-transparent. If you must have an intro just make it like 1-2 seconds tops.

    I'll touch on this in reverse order. You are actually the first person to say skip the intro entirely. My first two reviews had something similar to what you described and I took a lot of negative criticism because I didn't have an introduction. And now that I've made it, I really like it.

    And the graphics thing still really bothered me. Not so much later in the game, but when I was playing in the first town, I was like WTF is this crap. Granted, I would have just switched over from playing the 360, so I may have been tainted. None the less, I stand by my opinion there. I didn't think the graphics were very good. That doesn't by any means, mean that you are not allowed to disagree with me ;-)

    And for the controls, I really did like the aiming of the remote for things like the bow and slingshot, but I didn't care for the swinging of the sword with the remote. I would have preferred a simple button press. So I think you summed it up nicely!

    Thank you for taking the time to watch the review and make these comments. I would really like to get into the video game review industry at some point in my life as I just love video games and talking about them. So 3 months ago I started making these and I'm trying to get better with every one. I am not offended one bit if you guys have criticism. It gives us something to talk about, and for me to consider for my next review ;-)

    Don't forget to subscribe to my channel everyone!
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    I love Zelda but hated this one. Too much fur-faggerdom. And I got wankers cramp trying to play it with the wiimote. The only good part of that game was the Snowpeak Temple, which was one of the highlights of the entire series (IMO).

    Good review though; I like the new format tweaks...at least you are taking advice on board. Looking forward to seeing your next review. :)
  • Junkie_XL
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    Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
    Yeah the controls are a mixed bag. Waggle motion sucks. But the bow/arrow shooting with the pointer feels so damn satisfying. I think the IR pointer is Nintendo's biggest contribution to gaming this gen. Giving PC-mouse like controls to home consoles was great.

    I'm not a fan of motion controls at all otherwise. Maybe the Wii Motion Plus will change my mind but I'm not sure.
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