This is the Mass Effect Assault rifle I started yesterday. This is my first Sub-divided model that was fully made to be finished.

Thanks to Disaster for keeping an eye over me a lot of the time, and giving me hints/tips. I owe you big time man. Thanks.
epicl fail D=
Not saying you didn't help him but I know I helped him the most ^_^
Cheers. Also, Yeah I agree with racer, the mesh needs to be rounded off a bit.
looks pretty good, but definitely too... boxy. need some nicer swooping curves instead of all the straight lines, then it'll look more sci-fi
But so I dont sound like an ass, Thanks Dee, and Racer!
Yea, I agree.
Yea, I will render it now:
I wont be working on this one anymore. Thanks a lot for the crit guys. I will apply it to my next model.