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A-Train's Thread of Environment Artwork & Assets!

polycounter lvl 15
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A-Train polycounter lvl 15
I'll be updating this soon! With WIPS of Enviros & Assets!



  • Art-Machine
    It reads well despite the similar tones, so looking good so far. It feels like it wants more junk and bits of paper in the whole ground area underneath the stairs.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Lookin' great. Are you going to change the look of the ocean and sky? The building looks a little dark/brown for such a bright sunny day.
  • achmedthesnake
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    achmedthesnake polycounter lvl 17

    nah looks good - is that the art test i've been seeing around? reminds me of a possible fallout level in the sea.....
  • Chunkey
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    Chunkey polycounter lvl 19
    haha nice work, can see the Splash Damage art test features in there, it's come out really well, I'd have added some of the dockside info from the drawing i.e. the jetty but overall I'm liking it :D

    got any wireframe shots to pimp? be nice to see how it's constructed :)

    Also are there any modular peices being used?


  • A-Train
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    A-Train polycounter lvl 15
    Hey all: This thread is just going to be my ongoing artwork thread.

    I'm back from the dead. It's been a while. I was working as a freelance artist during a few months in the summer time at a small indie dev team. Now i'm back at my portfolio and actively seeking a new Environment Artist role in the UK or anywhere in the world really. I spent a bit of time and learnt how to use the Unity Engine last week, and I relit my Environment Docks test (from earlier this year) with daytime lighting (I saw a few screens of the game "Brink") Splash Damage have been working on and was quite excited to see what they are coming up with (environment wise more so). I thought i'd post up some relit images of my test and see what feedbacks I get on them.

    I'm hard at work on a new portfolio in a PDF format. I'm also working on old & new Environments & Assets to spruce up my portfolio. I definitely want to impress the next studio I apply to in the UK/worldwide. I personally look back n horror at my last attempt at creating a portfolio. Absolutely can't imagine what I was thinking, my old portfolios presentation was very poor. I'm definitely a changed man...and am looking at things with a fresh new perspective! Perhaps because i'm starving and only have a few months to live in the country...hehe it's probably that. I also have some mad DRIVE to rock out some new works

    I'm a Canadian in the UK looking to land a gig! If I fail, looks like i'll have to head back home to the woodland and moose country...but at least I know I had tried.

    Everyone! Thank you for the feedbacks/comments :) appreciate it.
    It's my art test that I wrapped up in January 2009 (6 months ago).
    Haven't changed anything since then, just decided to relight it for my portfolio. The old lighting was night time.

    Art-Machine: Thanks, I was going for similar tones in the piece but glad they read differently (as I was worried about them mixing too much when I wrapped this project up in January). More junk is always good, so I agree. I'm working on newer stuff atm, but i can definitely add some more junk to the scene at a point in the next 2 months.

    Crazyfingers: I kind of like the bright ocean, as it's very sunny out and I don't want to contrast the scene too much. Worth looking into though. I definitely want to do a cloudy sky. Does anyone know of a tutorial on how to make cloudy skyboxes? I'm going to inquire with the NMRiH (No More Room In Hell) project lead. He's done a lot of great skyboxes! If anyone here happens to know though, that helps.

    Achmedthesnake: haha, nice! Yeah it's definitely fallout-ish or maybe even silent hill creepy-ish hah

    Chunkey: Oh the dockside stuff from the drawings are there, this is just one camera shot of the scene. I'll post some more daytime shots soon. There are quite a lot of modular bits to make up the entire scene. Follow the link to see the old images from Jan 09' http://boards.polycount.net/showthread.php?t=59574

  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    Hey all: This thread is just going to be my ongoing artwork thread.

    Then this thread should be in Digital Sketchbooks
  • A-Train
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    A-Train polycounter lvl 15
    Hmm, from what I can tell. Digital sketchbooks are for digital art, concept art, digital painting. If that's where I was supposed to put my thread, my apologies. I've seen others putting threads of Environment work in this section though. Woops
  • achmedthesnake
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    achmedthesnake polycounter lvl 17
    pffft admin nazis, just wait for the plycnt gestapo to knock on your door.....
  • A-Train
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    A-Train polycounter lvl 15
    More work to come!
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