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[Maya] 3d paint script (as in geometry paint)

polycounter lvl 17
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greuh polycounter lvl 17
Hi all,

I thought I would pimp my script to the community, maybe some others would find it useful.
The story so far; after getting frustrated a lot trying to use geometryPaint, it seemed writing a new one was the easier way for me to get the work flow I was looking for.

Chance is if you don't feel oppressed by the way geometryPaint works (read the limitation/constraint with UVs and managing the grid), there's probably no point in trying this one instead.
However, if you are looking for a somewhat low-maintenance, straight point and shoot script to ray cast geometry, you might appreciate the difference over geometryPaint. If you are familiar with how AdvancedPainter (max script) works, you will definitely see the similarities.

Either way, here it is.

I haven't gone through intensive testing yet, but so far, it seems to work properly. It isn't anything really fancy, but it serves its purpose.
Please contact me if you find any bugs.

here's a screenshot:

hoping it is useful to some here :)



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