This has bothered me for close to 2 years now, maybe you guys can help...
When i'm working on an object's vertices, faces, edges or whatever, and want to switch to another object, i have to manually move my mouse to the "create" arrow in order to be able to select other objects.
Sometimes pressing "6" works, but sometimes it just brings up a really sluggish particles menu, such as when i'm working on splines.
Any advice?
If you have Keyboard Shortcut Override off, deselecting a sub object model like vert(1) edge(2) or poly(4) will allow you to select another object. So if you're in Edit Poly > Polygon mode hit 4 and it will exit sub object mode.
Regardless of the mode I'm in, I toggle vert mode on(1) then off(1), out of habit.
If you like having KSO on, someone could probably knock together a script really quick that toggles it off, exits sub-object mode and toggles it back on.
Not sure what KSO is, but thanks for the replies guys.