However.. if this law should pass, i set a petition to ban boxing, fencing and idol.
one for being utterly brutal, the other for being a killing-simulation and idol for causing kids to make fools of themselves publically..
Wait whats going on? Those links are all in German. I only know a little German, and all that German comes from Wolfenstien. Are they trying to ban paintball?
yie.. they try to ban everything and all now and then.. (the problem is, they have good reasons but bad solutions.. ) but till now there are enough moderate ppl in the government who block these things soon enough
crazy german politicans!
However.. if this law should pass, i set a petition to ban boxing, fencing and idol.
one for being utterly brutal, the other for being a killing-simulation and idol for causing kids to make fools of themselves publically..
Scissors, GONE! No one needs to perpetrate heinous cutting crimes against paper. Do you have any idea what happens when you run with them!?
What about pools, people run along pools slip and fall all the time... BANNED!
ban biathlon too!
And playing Pok
Lmao, he seems friendly.
Bleh games being used as a scapegoat as always.