Hey guys.
I'm working on a glock, but I ran into a little problem. When the clip is empty a part of the top slides to the back. I've watched some videos, but I can't figure out what part.
Click here for image (orth, so some distortion)
I think blue doesn't move, and then it should either be yellow and red moves, or just yellow moves. I'm not sure, does anyone know?
and a youtube for "glock slow motion" returned
google and youtube is your friend, use em wisely
the top part is the slide, this is the part that moves the most during firing. The next one down is the barrel, which fits inside the slide and doesn't move nearly as much (not really noticeable, but it DOES actually move a bit.)
this may help (you only care about the "field stripping" portion):
It all suddenly made sense to me as soon as I fired one.
When you fire a round from a handgun the pin strikes the primer cap on the bullet casing and ignites the powder... the bullet fires out of the casing down the barrel... the barrel is braced long enough for the bullet to leave the end... the exhaust gasses that push the bullet also propel the slide back to rack another round into the chamber, if you look closely you can actually see the barrel on some guns tilt down to receive a new round as well.
when the magazine is empty, the loading mechanism will detect that no round is in the magazine to be loaded and the slide will automatically lock back... it's locked in place by the tab on the side of the gun just underneath the slide on tummer's pic. You can actually see on the slide there's a little notch for this tab to spring up and lock it in place.
On the glock, it looks like a little rectangular tab just below the thumb tab behind the trigger on the grip, that's the magazine release. Hit that, mag falls out, you put a new mag in, it locks... and you thumb the slide lock and it will release the slide to rack the new round in the magazine.