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question about photoshop brushes

polycounter lvl 10
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sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
is it possible to open and edit the contents of an abr file?


  • animax
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    animax polycounter lvl 15
    Install into photoshop brushes folder and check it out in Photoshop itself, whats inside the brush sets.You can append or remove new brushes and save as abr file.
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    Yes, in Photoshop. In the brushes window you can load brush files, save brush files and edit the brushes/resave.
  • Ben Apuna
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    Not exactly what you are looking for but may be useful.


    Hmm... strange sourceforge seems to be down. Well PM me if you want and I'll email you ABR Viewer.

    ABR Viewer can be used to view the contents of Photoshops ABR files and export the contents as PNG files. If only it worked the other way as well so you could drag n drop PNGs into that main window then export ABR files, oh well...

    To get around that you can open up all the PNGs you want to make a new brush set with. Make a new empty brush set. Then make an action that goes like this: Edit -> Define Brush Preset... -> OK -> File Close. Then just hit play for each PNG you've got open. Finally save that newly made brush set and you're done.

    You could probably take it a step further by automating that action on the folder that contains the PNGs.

    Hope this helps :)
  • Michael Knubben
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    ben: well, all it does is show you the actual image that's being used for the brush, you can't even see what the settings do to it. Bit useless, imo. Unless you're just stamping grunge brushes, which is also a bit pointless :D
  • Ben Apuna
    Offline / Send Message
    Yeah, ABR Viewer doesn't save out anything like the Shape Dynamics or Scattering settings just PNGs from brush sets.

    It's a quick way to convert your Photoshop brush sets over to Mudbox though.
  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    I'm not talking about the attributes like shape dynamics or texture/scattering etc... I'm talking about editing the shape of the actual brush tip. I have a few brushe shapes that I like that are almost what I want but I'd like to tweak them to do what I want.

    Also I'm using CS2 so if there were any new features added in newer versions regarding brush editing, I'd be sol.
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    Sir-knight: use the brush at full opacity on white canvas, edit it as much as you want, select a square around it, edit>define brush preset. Change your brush settings as you wish. save abr. Done :)
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