There is one thing really bugging me and its the conversion of the key frames from one package to another.
I want to keep the keyframes in exactly the same place/exactly the same amount when converting but what you get instead is an approximation depending on the settings you use for constant key reduction and key reduction
With key reduction you just get a strength slot, obviously the higher the setting the more key frames get stripped out.
Tbis is not really what i want though
It doesn't seem to export groups also form max which is a pain if the groups are animated
any ideas?
- don't use groups (they are bad in max anyway), instead link stuff for example to a dummy object and animate that dummy object instead: gives you so much more control
- if I am not mistaken the FBX format is not the only one that saves animations, I am not sure anymore what the max animation save file format was (in the animation menu) but chances might be that maya understands those. They should be more accurate as the FBX stuff
my experiences with FBX haven't been that great either - I got deleted UV-channels (no channel at all) on Polygons (tris, quads, ngons,...) when exporting from Max2010 to Max2009. But I heard so often from others that it is supposed to be great
its odd that I always link to stuff to bipeds, but in this instance my brain didn't make me do the same.
FBX is weird though, I really can't see why it should be a big deal to recreate the keyframes in the same place.
Is it because I am using biped I wonder and the default controller is TCB Perhaps FBX gets confused or something.
I forgot about the save animaiton dialgoue. I will look at that now, cheers renderhjs
Atleast some of it works i geuss
Try collada if you have recent versions of max and maya. It might work better, and yes it supports anims. Well the format does anyway the max and maya importer/exporters ought to, but I haven't been able to test it with my older version of maya.
I didn't success at all and using the PolyMoveUV node...
Does someone know if there is another to export that thing? (Actually a plane with 4 Uvs.....)
(And FBX is shit... doesnt' have a right mel commands library
Actually have to export again more than 40 animations and that shit take time for nothing