I'm having a problem in maya 2k9 where when using the smooth mesh preview (3) random edges are becoming pinched. They have nothing to do with hard/soft edges or creases, and after many hours of trying to find the cause the only thing that seems to remove them is exporting to obj and re-importing. Obviously exporting/importing every time I want to see a mesh with proper smoothing isn't a very useful solution, so I was wondering if anyone knows or has any ideas what might be causing this?
example images:
It's a bit buggy if you use Bridge on a single or double quad strip, it doesn't weld the edges sometimes, so you get 2 verts which have TWO EDGES running from them (I have no idea how this is possible, and it's really dumb), usually I use Fill Hole instead to join up enclosed polygon strips.
My guess is the only way you'll really fix this is by deleting those 2 quads enclosed by the "broken" edges, and re-build them using Fill Hole.
Thanks mop
If you turn on Border Edges under polygon display you should be able to spot the problem areas.