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[WANTED] 3D Modeler - Texture Artist - Concept Artist

Manifest Destiny

An MMOFPS that is still in its planning stages is currently looking for those who are interested in working on this game.

Manifest Destiny was an idea in America's history where Americans believed that everything that was on North America belonged to them, and was a religious order to go out west and expand.

If you haven't guessed yet, this is going to be an MMOFPS that is themed out in the 'Wild West'.

Currently 3D Modelers, Texture Artists, and Concept Artist are in great need.

We plan on using the Torque3D engine and will be purchasing the license / engine when it's released-if not, Leadwerks.

Since Torque3D will be compatible with MilkShape 3D, and numerous other programs; our modelers will be able to start getting to work as soon as possible.

Texture Artists, your imagination is the limit and cooperation with the modelers and CMS will help.

Concept Artist, cooperation with CMS and other development team members will help you guide on what should be drawn, digital or classic pen and paper, as long as you can get some pretty good sketches done.

So you have a particular talent in the following fields and you're interested in helping the gaming community receive a one of a kind game? Yes? Perfect... But... There's a few things we must cover before you consider applying for our team.

First off, one thing that you should note is that we are currently not issuing any pay... Our team is completely composed of volunteers looking to make a game that will rock the foundation of the MMO world. This is not to say that, if successful, further down the line we won't issue pay. We'll just take it a step at a time...

Secondly, we are trying to have a bit of fun along with managing a business so you have to be able to joke a round a bit as well as get work done on time.

Lastly, I will outline the guidelines for applying below.

Needed Positions (This list may change)

Model Artist - Designing models for all aspects of the game. We are currently looking for a modeler particularly good at player avatars as well.

Texture Artist - Designing textures to apply to aforementioned models. (We will need as many texture artists as we can get our grubby mitts on.

Concept Artist - This is the only position that is completely vacant. Apply if you have any talents in drawing concept sketches.

Level Designer - This position is more of a mapping position. Works with the above mentioned artists to design the world that the game lives in.

Animator - This position is in charge of creating the animations for our models. Animators are in short supply these days so apply if you think you got what it takes.

Programmer - We're currently looking for additional programmers with knowledge in network programming as well as graphical programming. This is a limited position, if you have any intermediate to advanced skills in C++ please apply. I am currently an intermediate programmer and I will gladly collaborate with anyone to prepare for this if you're interested (do not be shy).

Community Manager
- In charge of doing all things in public relations and administration outside of the game.

Webmaster - Already have one, I suppose we could use another

How to Apply

  • You must be 18 years of age or older.
  • You have to have a reliable way of being reached.
  • You must be fluent in English, however if you can read this then I'm sure you're fine.
  • You will need Ventrilo (http://www.ventrilo.com/) as well as a microphone.
  • Free Time: And plenty of it

If you pass the criteria then please send an E-Mail to applications@manifestdestinygame.com and be sure to include the following in the e-mail.

  • Your full name
  • Age
  • Your City, State (If not U.S. then include corresponding information)
  • Your phone number (whichever is the easiest to reach you at)
  • Current life occupation (College, Work)
  • Requested position (Model Artist, etc...)
  • Skill level in requested position
  • Why you want to join our team
  • What do you expect out of joining our team
  • Is there anything we need to do to facilitate your needs?
  • Tell us a bit about yourself

Your status will be update in a post on this forum, please check back to this forum to see whether or not you have been accepted, I will also send out an e-mail informing you as such.
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