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sculpted soldier

So I wanted to show what I´m working on just do get a litte motivation.
I´m new to sculpting and it´s my first serious model I´m doing with sculpting. (after I sulpted detail to an old low poly model - wich I did for getting more familliar with it)

Now let me just add a little word to the model itself: It's ment to be a soldier.
There are still some things missing. Kneepads, grenades, bags and such...


  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    His face kidna looks like Randy Couture from afar, could you post some close ups or bigger pictures? Right now much of the detail is hard to see.

    One crit I can make right now, is that his shoulders look more like mine than a badass soldiers :P either beef the guy up, or make his head a bit smaller. Arms and legs, esp. the joints need to be a bit bigger. Other than that it's looking ok.
  • whipSwitch
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    whipSwitch polycounter lvl 8
    Not to blatantly contradict Tapan, but he kinda inadvertently brings up a good point. I don't think you should post bigger images. This view distance is a good size to judge your level of detail. If things are getting lost just being zoomed out this far(which isn't that far really), then you're focusing on the small stuff to much.

    The thing that stands out the most is that the folds in the clothing are to high frequency. go back and more broad drapes and folds, then start digging into the smaller tension areas ( armpits, pects, crotch ). And, since the clothing is such a significant element in the model, you really need to ditch the symmetry on a good chunk of it, like the pants. You'll find this goes a long way is selling the illusion.

    keep at it.
  • Freidenker
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    First of : thanks for the comments and critics. I´ll try to mention them as I continue working on that model.

    tapan: I just had to google who randy couture actually is :-P maybe your association is the reason why you think, that it`s ment to be a badass soldier. Because actually it isn´t. ;-) He´s more the 1 of thousands guy, who will be shot maybe 10 minutes after being thrown into battle :-D But to be honest I already thought about beefing up his arms a little bit by myself (especially the forearms).

    whipswitch: Ouch! This would mean to redo a big part of what I#ve done so far :(
    But you may be right. I was wondering if the folds at the legs would be to ..edged (you know what I mean? sorry if my words are sensless. I´m no native speaker) Because actually a soldier would wear roboust clothings and therefore the cloth would be thicker. Thicker cloth has bigger and "rounder" folds. The edged folds would appear at cloth like sheets. Why I did those folds was, cause I liked the way, how clear the shape came out ... but maybe I overdid it a littelbit und maybe I should stay with a realistic style and keep this technique for a more abstract style.

    So thanks a lot to both of you for your advice and sharing your thoughts with me. I hope I find some time to go for these improvements ;-)
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