Hey all,
I also started this and wanted to show some work in progress. I need the practice and wanted to try to be fast on these models. Normally I have a tendency to be very precise and take a long time to model stuff. Progress until now is about six hours .. Which is not very fast, but I had to redo some stuff due to some silly mistakes. I hope I can find the time to finish. Had a bit of a late start and saw this ends at 22nd. Good thing about that is that I could look at all the other entries : P
Some parts in the upper corners of the visor are a bit sloppy. The inside part where the large holes are is bit messy too, but I figured to stop wasting time there. Only likely way to fix that is to use a cylinder shape with more sections I guess. The little screws are floaters, I am trying to save time where I can. I also think the outer edges are a bit too hard.
I am fine with the progress, allthough there are always things you would like to do just a bit different. Unfortunately I am s l o w, so I am trying to keep a pace and continue with other parts. I am not too happy with the text since the turbosmooth messes it up, so turbosmooth is off in these shots. I will have to look into that.
*SOB* didn't make deadline ... I do intent to finish it though. I am also working on some other personal stuff and that keeps calling me ..
Anyways, there was some progress today. Had some trouble with the "control" panel, which didnt fit very nicely so I stretched it out a bit, will probably need to do a better job on that. Next time more blocking out first and checking details against overall placement and fit.
- slowpoke out
I have a question though!
How did you substact the text on and off on a smoothed surface?? looks like you
used boolean or shapemerge but then the mesh would be destroyed with a meshsmooth or turbosmooth ??I assume you use 3ds max?
Yes, this if from 3dsmax.
The text is actually a seperate object placed slightly in front of the surface it is supposed to be in. You can actually cut it in (or use shapemerge or boolean), but then you would have to fix a lot of the edges so your mesh stays clean for smoothing (similar to how you would cut a hole or something. There is an example of this in OblastradiusO workshop thread at the top. Also MoP's thread is more elaborate about creating text but, also used as floating objects.
The on and off type I assume was not modeled into the mesh but it's floating on top of the mesh. Giving the illusion like the type is embedded into the mesh.
OK but i still cant imagine how a floating object can give the illusion like the type is embedded into the mesh?I mean Extruded inwards.To me it sound impossible!I will read the other topics you suggested slave_one!
Only thing i know is when i try to Extrude text or any complex shaped inwards to a mesh with a meshsmooth on is almost impossible and very time consuming.My meshes almost always ends in the trashcan with such attempts
I may do things the wrong way
Thanks a lot for that picture,It explains it all!