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Funky-Future Spaceship

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cycloverid polycounter lvl 15
Ignore this first set of screenshots! Please see updates below :P

Hello again,

I've recently made the decision to start working in a more current-gen workflow, as I've had a very low spec workflow in the past.

My latest project: A racecraft in the same vein as F-Zero or WipeOut. I gathered a ton of reference from conceptships.org and also Pior's awesome F-Zero entry. Concepting my own ship was a tricky task, and since I'm not much of an illustrator, I'll show everything but the vastly disorganized and rough sketches and paintovers I did.

The final concept came out somewhat bird-like, for better or worse!

Maya Viewport

Polycount ~8700 tri 2048 Diffuse/Normal/Spec






I'll put the textures in later so I don't overload this post. I'll end by saying that I'd ideally want to put this in-engine. I've played a little with marmoset, but I'll probably have questions if some of you wouldn't mind answering.

Oh, the lighting and such could probably be improved too!

Thanks for looking and feel free to critique your heart out. I'm always open for improvements.


  • Peris
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    Peris polycounter lvl 17
    wow this really rocks! Good job :D. Can you tell a little more about your workflow? Did you make a high poly for this or is it mostly diffuse texturework? It's hard to tell from the screenshots.
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    gorgeous, would be great to see an interior in there
  • X-Convict
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    X-Convict polycounter lvl 18
    This is looking good - texture work is nice man. The breakup of materials could use some work, bring out some different values in the metals some more in the diffuse and/or spec. I'd push at the least the big rounder underside area to be a hotter spec to catch nice highlights. Some broader chips in the paint would help bring those details out as well.

    Good work so far!
  • carlo_c
    Looks sweet, I really like the texture work you've got going on. I will wait for your texture flats :)

    I'm just wondering why your mesh is all triangulated, I imagine you didn't work with it like that?
  • cycloverid
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    cycloverid polycounter lvl 15
    Thanks for the replies.

    Peris: Yeah, I made a high poly ship and baked it down. I'd show it off, but I need to read up on proper presentation first (some people have some great renders of their high poly). I'm also a fan of stylized work, so the diffuse is mostly hand painted with a couple overlays for help. Maybe that was a bad idea this time around.

    Shepiro: I really wanted to make an interior! Too bad my head was already spinning with all the shells I had to unwrap and texture... it'll get easier.

    X-Convinct: I like these suggestions. Part of the problem is that the lighting is a little overblown, but I like the idea of the hotter spec underbelly. As well, I could probably spend a bit more time on the spec map overall.

    Carlo_C: It's triangulated because of that finicky X-normal program! Sorry about that, it should have been shown more cleanly.

    I'll post the diffuse and spec maps so you guys can tear those apart. The texture space could have been used more efficiently, but that's all in the past now!


    Half-Size Spec (I don't want to hurt your eyes too much with the messiness!):


    Oh, and next time I wouldn't mirror the parts with text, as you can only get so much mileage out of reversable words!
  • Keith
    Dude, that looks awesome, nice texture layout too.
  • keizza
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    keizza polycounter lvl 18
    yeah. maps look pretty good to me. and for the UV space....seems pretty aight. good job.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    very cool. i like the treatment on the materials, the way it's lit gives it a nice color.
  • X-Convict
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    X-Convict polycounter lvl 18
    cycloverid: Yep your lighting is too strong - metal generally has a very high reflectivity/specularity so you want your metal in your spec to be stronger than your diffuse to achieve the effect. Your spec map right now is too similar to your diffuse - if you pump up the values of the metal areas you want to stand out more in your spec it will break up your materials more and help highlight your cool detail. I'm not sure what your normal map looks like but some of the details are reading a bit flat to me, remember all of your textures need to work together to bring out the details - so bringing up your spec will pop your normals as well.

    If you want to maintain a lot of your painted surface material you should try increasing the specular response of your wear/scratches/missing paint areas to breakup those surfaces while still achieving the look of the painted metal. I see you've done it in areas but I would push that value even brighter than the diffuse. Once you gain more control over your specular values you'll be able to tone down and have more control of your lights as well.

    Just my suggestions, I think with some of those tweaks your details will really pop. Looking good though man.
  • Racer445
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    Racer445 polycounter lvl 12
    Really cool design. Model and texture both look nice.

    One crit on the texture though. I think the metal overall looks a bit too cloudy and to me it's reading slightly like concrete. I would bring the contrast of the metal base down a little to get a smoother look. Otherwise great work!
  • cycloverid
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    cycloverid polycounter lvl 15
    Note: Textures have been updated above.


    X-Convict: I am very grateful for the advice, this has made a huge difference in the overall presentation.

    Racer445: I agree, the textures were too cloudy and have been altered.

    With these new improvements, I really pushed it. I'm very happy with the outcome and I'm even a bit ashamed by the first set of screenshots.





    Maybe I should fool around in Marmoset for a little bit.
  • Vrav
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    Vrav polycounter lvl 11
    I literally exclaimed "hell yeah" upon seeing these new screens. Looks much improved. Would personally love to see it all shiny in Marmoset.
  • 7point83hertz
    amazing work dude. I wish I could look over your shoulder while you make stuff like this. too many questions in my head, ah gotta read more...
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    So nice!!! Congrats!!
  • jacob07777
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    jacob07777 polycounter lvl 15
    Huge Imporvement from your first screenshots! As I was scrolling down I was seeing everyone was already giving the advice I was thinking of from seeing the first screens. Then I saw you already made the changes and I must say I am very impressed with the new screens. Nice work man, no more crits from me
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    yeah thats great, i quite liked the washed out look but its something better acheived with post effects, anyway fricken ace, reminds me of Fzero drawn by Syd Mead
  • vj_box
    Ya baby get this sucker in marmoset engine!
  • Paul Pepera
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    Paul Pepera polycounter lvl 9
    Really great work, love the design of this craft.
  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    Nice texture work =)
  • Jarod1872
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    Jarod1872 polycounter lvl 10
    Sorry, just had to post and say that is some awesome texture work. Really dig the stylized, hand painted look, especially on the back of the craft. Nice job man.
  • rasmus
    Looks great, second batch is way better! My only crit would be that the missing paint spots all look a bit similar, as do scratches - would be cool to see some totally different kind of scratches in places to make it more natural. Other than that, great job at conveying scale in the texture!
  • Racer445
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    Racer445 polycounter lvl 12
    Much better. Good work.
  • HntrLuc
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    HntrLuc polycounter lvl 18
    really nice work man! i applaud you
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