Works here. Just put in the normal detail level and maximum sizes.
Finest level = 12k euro.
QUOTE FOR YOUR MODEL (introductory prices):
Diameter: 18,0 cm (Length: 18,0 cm x Width: 18,0 cm)
Height: 35,0 cm
Volume: 8.906,2 cm3 (Length x Width Volume: 11.340,0 cm3)
Level of detail: 3
Material: 2% (no price known yet if material is 0%)
Work price: 630,00 EUR
Material price: 12,60 EUR
Total price: 642,60 EUR
(a quote does not include diameters (length and width) <2cm or >18cm, nor heights <5cm or >35cm (email maximus (ad) emecstudios (dot) be for more details))
(a quote does not include shipping)
(all quotes are based on what you entered on the form)
I'd imagine it would be even cheaper if you bought your own wood locally. Getting a company in europe to make something out of american wood is always going to be expensive. Over a thousand euro for a piece of wood 35cmx18cm? That would be ridiculous where I live. Even for some fairly exotic hardwoods.
Finest level = 12k euro.
QUOTE FOR YOUR MODEL (introductory prices):
Diameter: 18,0 cm (Length: 18,0 cm x Width: 18,0 cm)
Height: 35,0 cm
Volume: 8.906,2 cm3 (Length x Width Volume: 11.340,0 cm3)
Level of detail: 3
Material: 2% (no price known yet if material is 0%)
Work price: 630,00 EUR
Material price: 12,60 EUR
Total price: 642,60 EUR
(a quote does not include diameters (length and width) <2cm or >18cm, nor heights <5cm or >35cm (email maximus (ad) emecstudios (dot) be for more details))
(a quote does not include shipping)
(all quotes are based on what you entered on the form)
looks cool.
Still not really affordable for me, but less expensive than i thought.
i might give it a try when i'm not broke.
But seriously that's amazing.
I'd imagine it would be even cheaper if you bought your own wood locally. Getting a company in europe to make something out of american wood is always going to be expensive. Over a thousand euro for a piece of wood 35cmx18cm? That would be ridiculous where I live. Even for some fairly exotic hardwoods.
i'm still waiting for those stand alone personal prototyping/print machines to be realeased cheap..
Or if they're photographs, they sure tried very hard to make them look like renders. hard to tell in those tiny pictures, ofcourse