Does anyone know how to transfer packages form UE3? In that I mean I am rebuilding my comp and need to wipe my harddrive but I want to transfer mypackages when I reinstall, any suggestions? Thanks.
Yeah, I think the folder was "uncooked" or something. It just refers to you not baking your map yet and finalizing it.
My documents/My games/Unreal Tournament 3/UT game/Unpublished/CookedPC/
Here grab your *.UPK files, then go into /CustomMaps and grab your maps. That's all you should need aside from grabbing the data you imported into Unreal in the first place so if you ever need to change something you have it still.
or something similar.
you could also just search for *.pkg files
My documents/My games/Unreal Tournament 3/UT game/Unpublished/CookedPC/
Here grab your *.UPK files, then go into /CustomMaps and grab your maps. That's all you should need aside from grabbing the data you imported into Unreal in the first place so if you ever need to change something you have it still.
Stradigos should be right on their location.