Hey guys, I'm thinking about starting my own little iPhone business while I continue to search for work (in house and freelance). I just want to start out really small and see if I can turn out a very basic game, and go from there. I actually already have an investor, so the start up costs won't be an issue (about 2 grand by my calculations).
So, I figured I would handle the art and design aspects of the game; and I'm looking to hire a programmer (someone local I can work directly with).
My question is, what sort of credentials should I look for? The pay for this would probably be split in half, like half the profits go to me and the other half to the programmer. Because there would be no up front pay, I am guessing if I find someone it would most likely be a recent grad or someone about to graduate (Western NY is full of these types of students).
So how do I test their programming ability? Do I ask for examples of programs written? I have done programming myself in the past, but I never got too in depth with it so I don't know a whole lot (which is why I would like to hire one).
I'm just wondering if anyone on Polycount has any suggestions for me. Thanks in advance!
Anyway, ask the for sample apps. Even if it's nothing great, maybe the candidate can do code, but is graphically challenged (very common among programmers).
You'll want someone who can code in C, more specifically objective C if possible. Then they'll be familiar with the code used for iPhone apps.
Everything you said sounds good. I'll certainly ask for sample apps as you suggest.
The annoying thing is that I will indeed need to use a mac to develop these games (which I currently do not own). Unity iphone only supports mac, and same goes for the sdk. I prefer to not dump any money until I absolutely have to (no money = no risk); but I'm looking to get one of those mac mini's once I'm further along in the development. mac mini: http://store.apple.com/us/browse/home/shop_mac/family/mac_mini?mco=MTE3MzE
So I think I have an idea what kind of workflow I want to use for developing an iphone game now, and if I can find a programmer with an apple and iphone; it would be a huge plus.
I'm sure I don't need to tell you to use the trial download to best assess the software, and attempt to find out how good people who may of used it think it is. The demo vid make it look like you put together something from scripting alone, or almost.
Now for a games programmer who is working solo I cannot stress how important that he/she have a grasp of mechanical maths... some won't because they wont of needed it.
Obviously what they need to be able to implement strongly relies upon they games you want to produce, but lets says that you are aiming for the stars if not with the first game but for later ones then I can perhaps assume that you are going to all type of shit wizzing around the screen, collisions, physics etc etc. the guy would need to know how to cheat with this stuff efficiently... making it look right but importantly for it to run smoothly.
So imo first look for a guy with demos, or who can produce a demo that can show this.
Students should atleast have coursework; but with all students if they have produced stuff outside of the course just for the hell of it you know they are dedicated.
The problem I would say how are YOU going to assess that he/she as done it well? Somewhat a leap of faith at some point.
If you are to use unity then perhaps you can get away with just a good programmer, someone who may not of been geared towards games already. perhaps just see what you alone can do with a trial of it first? perhaps you can guage an idea of what you will need.
Also note, I'm sure you have, that you can contact unity to request an evaluation of the iPhone package.
Make sure the programmer maintains manageable code. you don't want one of these assholes who produces abstract code so that it cannot be maintained by anyone but them.
well structured, commented code. these things are like the most simplistic but an important requirements.
From the comments anyone should know what a particular section of code is there for, even if they may not be a programmer and do not understand the syntax of the actual code.
Sorry if I waffled on, I have a passion for games programming, and I probably didn't answer anything. gl.
I actually made a single player FPS game in unreal 2k4 a couple years ago, by myself, barrowing code and models from free sources. So I will definitely see what I can accomplish on my own first with Unity3d.
Like I said though, its sort of tricky because I don't have a Mac and although I can get a trial of Unity iphone basic I first must have a Mac and be a certified Apple developer (cost 100.00 and some wait time for approval). So its sort of like a chicken and the egg scenario. I would like to have the game actually in development before I give the go ahead for investor funds, but its difficult to do this without the funds in the first place.
I'm thinking of doing some mock level design right inside 3ds max and follow some tutorials with the trial of Unity Indie (for windows) to get a grasp of the editor. Plus I don't even have a game idea yet, heh heh.
So I'm also going to have a look at some of the current games on the market to get a better idea of what is feasible for an iPhone game.
Thanks again guys, This is all very helpful information.