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[Portfolio] Bram Raes

polycounter lvl 17
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movento polycounter lvl 17
Hello Polycounters.
Lately i have been working on a portfolio,and i would like to get some C&C on it.
I tried to give it a simple but easy to navigate design.
Here's the link: http://bramraes.ninjachronicles.com/



  • jacob07777
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    jacob07777 polycounter lvl 15
    It all has a very stylized design to it for the characters at least. The edge loops are looking good and the poly count seems about right. Some of your proportions are a bit off though on the characters.

    I noticed right away with the cowgirl her hands and feet are rather large for a woman. You'll notice more girls tend to have petite hands and feet that match their more slender body type.

    The heads on a lot of your characters are rather large also which give them the appearance of a buffed out child. In most cases for adults a body should be 7-8 head lengths and that amount drops depending on their age.

    You're definitely getting muscle forms down though. Those seem to be comin out really nicely in your characters. Try playing it to your strengths and instead of doing a human, work on a really muscular creature/alien/whatever thing so that way you can decide the proportions a lot more. Either way keep up the work, the stuff is looking pretty good. Just work on some of those minor details i was talking about.
  • Karmageddon
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    Karmageddon polycounter lvl 7
    Maybe I'm being a little too sensitive on the issue, but I don't quite get why there's a naked man as "anatomy study" and a naked woman as a "stripper".
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    No Zilk, you're right. The "stripper" model doesn't seem very classy. First of all because the cowboy hat + the title of stripper immediately makes me think of trailer trash and I don't think you want that kind of connotation. I probably wouldn't have noticed unless someone mentioned it, but you don't want your work offending anyone. A lot of the HR people who will first be seeing your portfolio are women and y'know, might not appreciate that.

    Aside from that, your modeling seems alright but your textures seem very flat and lacking detail. Definitely work on your texturing.
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    The amount of spec and gloss kind of makes them look like toy figurines, I second the reply that the texture needs work as well, photosource some skin details if you have to.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Looks like male3d was an attempt at Bradd Pitt in Fight Club or Snatch..

    The 'asian soldier' looks like an attempt at Rerun from "What's Happening"..

    And if they were, just say that, if I can guess who they were you are on the right track.
  • movento
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    movento polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for replying guys.

    jacob: you're probably right about their head sizes.I uses anatomy refs for their proportions and had some problems with make the size of their head correct.

    Zilk, Frump: That's something i wasn't aware of at all. So you suggest to change the title or also the mesh

    Frump, pliang: I'm aware that my texturing isn't the best.I think i need to take the textures a step further,right now it's not much more then a colored AO map. I did spend alot more time on the duke nukem texture though (except for some obvious parts.)
    About the specular maps;I'm not really sure how to make a good one for characters. I saw some tutorials for specular maps on metal and such,but not really for skin.

    Dekard: I didn't model those characters after a specific actor. For the Asian soldier i used a mugshot reference i found somewhere.
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