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Question About next gen Vechiles

So i was about to start a new project by modeling a p-40 warhawk.(which is an aircraft) Now with the current trends in games what do you guys feel would be a good tri or poly limit for a vehicle that is targeted at next generation production? Ive gotten mixed signals from people when i ask them.


  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 14
    That really, really depends on the sort of game.
    On one hand, you could be making a P40 for a flightsime type of game, where the plane is the main focus. In such a case I would guess 20.000 tri's and a 2048 texture + possibly more (separate textures for details that don't change color with skin changes, or for the glass cockpit parts).
    On the other hand, if this is for a game where the aircraft is a static prop, and/or it has a much smaller gameplay role, specs like 5000 tri's and a 1024 texture (with highpoly baked normals i guess) seem suitable.
    Those are rough estimates btw.
    But all of this really, really depends on many factors. Consoles will require smaller texturesizes to reduce memory usage for example.

    But if I can just give you my own opinion: go for a high detail version (like at least 20k tri's) and focus on getting it look as good as possible, since I guess it's supposed to be a portfolio piece. I personally don't like the highpoly baking workflow for large mechanics like vehicles (it's soooo much work), so using enough poly's means you can just create a normalmap in Photoshop.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    get yourself a screen shot of a game you like,- think that it could match the engine ect. and study the model- thats imo. the best advise - instead of aiming for precise poly counts.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 14
    Something like HAWX should be fun, yeah.
  • AnimeAngel
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    have to agree with Renderhjs. The polycount can range depending on a lot of factors, so you kind of need to narrow it down with a little research. You get a wide range of answers because you haven't done that.
  • Ro-Sham-Bo
    Offline / Send Message
    Yeah Thanks guy for your help, i have been looking at HAWX and was trying to find what kind of poly limit that they where using for their planes, if anyone knows i would love to figure it out. Once i get a little more work done on the high poly here I'm going to be posting some shoots in preview. I think because this is going to be a portfolio piece I'm going to try for a slightly higher poly limit but still retain good topology. Once again thanks guys and anymore specs you know are always welcome.
  • KikiAlex
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    The triangle count was around 5500 and the normal-maps where generated in Photoshop.
  • Ryno
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    Ryno polycounter lvl 18
    Is it a prop off in the distance? Or is it a model you see close up? Is it playable? Can players enter it? Do other parts need to be animatable? Is the count including attached missiles and weaponry, or will these be separate models? There are just too many factors to be able to give you a good number.
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