My workflow is slow and sloppy
so I'm looking forward to learning something hopefully.
I started with this thing, no idea if it actually has a name but it has screws in it.
I started modelling with a single plane and moved vertices to match the silohuette of the object from the front and side views, added edge loops to the 2 sides and bottom to keep edges sharp when turbosmoothing, cut 8 sided circles into the side and started cutting and connecting verts and edges to keep everything in quads, I then added a symmetry modifier, flattened the stack and then started messing with the other side. Once it was looking alright added a shell modifier, flattened the stack and adjusted some more.
What I did was create the outside with plane shift-extruding, then boolean the holes out, then you can use a shell modifier with the inner amount set to the right amount, then add edge loops on the inside of the circles.
A good thing to think about is the # of sides you're going to use for your cylinder, and plan that before you start.
I did my circle cuts by placing an 8 sided circle spline behind the plane that I wanted a hole in, turned on snap to vertex and started cutting into the plane following the shape of the circle. Required cleaning up afterwards though.
Real interesting seeing all the different methods people use and what have you floating around now, good stuff.
OBJ Here
Maya has like 3 was to turn on sub-d too, smooth preview, mesh -> smooth, and "smooth proxy".
In modo all you do is hit tab to turn it on/off.
OBJ Here
your missing out convert to sub'd there which is the most powerfull of the bunch