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maya rotation gizmo problem

polycounter lvl 18
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arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
i dont know what i did but i cant fix it... my rotation is locked to the y axis, no matter what axis i click or choose in the channel box it will only rotate on the y axis...

anyone know why this is happening??


  • Funky Bunnies
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    Funky Bunnies polycounter lvl 17
    damn, I suppose you already checked if you'd set limits or locks on the other rotations?

    is this on all objects etc?
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    yeah tried everything i can think of.. i am about to just call our autodesk rep and see wtf is going on..
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    user prefs file jacked? maybe? *shrug*
    i had a problem recently where i couldn't even use my rotation tool at all. just the rotation tool. i ended up having to delete the prefs before starting maya for about 5 or 6 sessions before it stopped happening.
  • warby
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    warby polycounter lvl 18
    i hate to sound like the telephone tech support guy in india asking "have you checked that the power cable is plugged in"


    have you tried: modify > transformation tools > rotate tool (infobox) > reset tool ????
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    yeah i tried everything, even deleting my prefs entirely and letting maya generate the default ones.. we are about to roll over to 2009 so i am going to install that and see if the problem still exists

  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    Are u using ATI?

    if so, try rolling back to catalyst 8.12
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    this is my problem!! ... problem is i have an HD4890 and the 8.12 drivers do not work for that card... so i am effed.. i will have to request a new card i guess..
  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    Think it has something to do with how the new ogl 3.0.1 catalyst support post 8.12 handles maya contexts in vista...
    have u tried xp?
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    arshlevon wrote: »
    this is my problem!! ... problem is i have an HD4890 and the 8.12 drivers do not work for that card... so i am effed.. i will have to request a new card i guess..

    if only you had eaten your morning regiment of beef jerky ...... tsk tsk tsk

    totally sucks though... wasted days on problems like this are like taking a cheese grater to your soul

    get a new card and don't delay my next resistance experience any longer... thanks :)
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    okay i just got an nvidia quattro card and all problems are fixed.. thanks for helping me sort it out..

    there was a time when you could just buy a consumer card and not have any problems with 3d apps...

    i think its a conspiracy
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Maya really needs to overhaul its viewport... I rarely see any issues in any other 3d app when it comes to realtime rendering, but Maya is buggy all over the place, and Autodesk only "guarantee" it will work on Quadro or FireGL cards!
  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    Yet advertises Maya as a DCC solution for Game development :)
  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    from cgtalk, David Russel:
    Maya Rotation Problem SOLUTION!

    For all those fustrated(like me using 8.12 ati drivers and older on our new cards) due to maya rotation problems.....

    There is a cure. Im so happy.


    Its a link to the newest ati drivers Cat9.6 yup, you will not find it on the site.

    It leaked out on the AMD forums and I tested really well with Maya.

    I am running Vista64 Maya64sp1. I tested on Nurbs SubD and Poly... I have not tested on other software....
    My frame rates are way better.... Im just happy.

    Now I can use catalyst again, and have not received the blue screen of death, which I see a bit with the old drivers.

    I will paste this in the old threads, but as myself, I do not get notifications on old threads so I thought I would share as a fresh thread.

    Happy Rotating....

    Sorry arshlevon, that I couldn't get u this a day earlier before u had to splurge on a quadro... :poly118:

    Happy Rotating indeed...
    Tested, and werking! hopefully this "leak" isn't bogus.
    ( will represent released 9.6 behavior )

    Tested on:
    Vista 32: Radeon 4850: Maya 2008

    can anyone please post results for winXP, winXp64, Vista 64 and windows 7?
  • Hoborg
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    Hoborg polycounter lvl 9
    Just tried these drivers on XP 32 bit with an HD4870, worked like a charm! I can happily rotate now.

    Thanks a lot for the info, I found this site on a google search, saved my life.

    I used the XP driver from this post at the cgtalk forum:
    THe actual words from Majestic at AMD and other OS Links:

    "Ok driver 9.6 has been leaked over a few websites.. i my self have downloaded and installed 9.6 and have been given a 6 fps increase in crysis:wars. but thats all i have had time to bench.
    Few other people think that the true power of the 4870x2 has been unleashed with a staggering 30% performance increase.
    Another source wrote that the memory fragmentation error has been resolved. (memory not being released and received wen it needs to)

    What info do u have on 9.6? ( 8.62 )
    What are your results on 9.6?
    Here is a link to the drivers download-
    Windows Vista - 32 + 64 (Windows 7 users use the vista drivers, manual install or patch file )

    Windows 7 - 32 + 64 Patch

    XP- 32+64


    And thanks goes to Majestic from the AMD Forum.
  • telefunken11

    i have been searching the net like a mad man trying to find a sulotion to this rotation problem, i have tryed everything i could find.

    installing newest drivers, instaling beta drivers, installing older drivers, removing everything that has to do with ati and repeating the above,installing beta drivers and installing the drives in different orders....

    now i am feeling like there is no and will never be a sulotion to this problem...

    i have just bought a new laptop (HP dv7 2080oe) for a 1000 euros and i am unable to return it cuz i am not in the same country were it was sold.
    i am working as an animator and the rotation tool is crusial for me. ati moderator locked my post over at there forum and i have had no response on this problem. seems like ati is not to release anything to fix this in the future witch renders my new laptop totaly useless to me.

    it is easy to say i should have done my research before spending all this money but i have not had an issue with radeon cards and maya before, until now. what makes it more annoing is that its the rotation tool only (as far as i know) and this bug makes maya usless, witch inturn makes the computer usless.

    now i am desperate and i could try annything so if somebody outhere has any suggestions on how to solve this, please let me know...

    system specs:


    thanx in advace

  • MikeF
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    MikeF polycounter lvl 20
    wow, thats whacked. Never knew video drivers could have this kind of impact
  • telefunken11
    yes, it is horrible, its verry hard to predict this if you have nevver incoutered this problem before, so still ineed of help...
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