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Max hotkeys

polycounter lvl 18
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Spark polycounter lvl 18
Hey I have been having a few problems getting some of my hotkeys set within max. My main one is Bridge, it is a tool that I would love to utilize more in my workflow, but only have succesfully got a hotkey set to just have it become selected. I then have to select and edge and then the other edge for it to bridge, what I would like is to have a a large amounts of edge selected to bridge, hit a hotkey and it create the poly inbetween. Does anyone have any idea how to do this, or is it not possible within max? Precaite the help in advance!



  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Heh that's pretty weird actually. By default clicking the "Bridge" button will just bridge your selection, but they hotkey turns on some sort of weird "target bridge" mode like target weld where you drag one edge to the other. That's really strange, especially since there's no actual hotkey for just doing a regular "Bridge" action like the button allows.

    The closest I can see (without scripting it, which also works fine - the EditablePoly.Bridge() command operates in the same was as the button, which is ok!) is to assign the hotkey to "Bridge Options" instead, although that means the dialog will pop up - I dunno if hitting a hotkey then hitting Enter is going to be faster than your current method, but that's the only way of doing it without a script.

    A script would be quite simple (for most cases, just calling $.Bridge() will do the trick) but you'd probably want some error handling in there just in case you run it on multiple selections or objects which are not editable polys.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    I have a macroscript at the uni (will post it later, will go there now anyway) that lets you bridge the way you would expect with a single shortcut.
    will be back in ~ one hour
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    the macro for bridge command is:
    macroScript bridge_cut_tool category:"renderhjs"	toolTip:"shift+b bridge command on the edge selection"
    	--little help from 
    	if (subobjectlevel==2) then	--Edge SO
    		if (((polyop.getEdgeSelection $.baseobject)as array).count == 1) then
    			$.EditablePoly.divideEdge (((polyop.getEdgeSelection $.baseobject)as array)[1]) 0.5 select:on	--Divide Edge
    			subobjectLevel = 1
    			$.bridgeSelected = 1
    			if ($.EditablePoly.Bridge () == false) then
    				$.connectEdgeSegments = 1
    				$.EditablePoly.ConnectEdges ()
    when You select 2 pairs of edges that can bridged then it does so if not it does not. If you select a single edge and hit the button for this it will create a vert in the middle of that edge.

    It is based on a script from perna, but reduced to what I just wanted. The full featured code (it has some more context stuff) can be seen here:
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Moved the post to the correct thread ;)
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    ? - guess must have done something wrong,
    glad that I have you guys that fix everything for me :D
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