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Helixx polygon
I've been wanting to make a cowboy/gunslinger type character for quite a while now and I finally got off my ass and attempted some sub-division modeling at the same time. I'm quite aware that it's been done many times before but it's just something I've kinda always wanted to do. I'm trying to keep to a realistic timeline for myself to prove that I can cope with time limitations when dealing with the next gen models.

Took me a few attempts and a bit of coaching from some fellow polycounters but I finished the high and low poly of the gunslinger's percussion revolver. It turned out pretty good in my opinion so far as matching the reference. The hardest part I found was picking the correct smoothing group for the hard edges so that the bakes turn out looking correct. I'm now pushing on with modeling the character before I go into texturing. I did bake out the normal and ao maps for the gun but I'm gonna wait until my character is ready for textures before I do the rest.

Without further ado, here's where I'm at. Feel free to voice some ideas for added details to give him. Keep in mind he's still a work in progress and I'll update most every night until it's done.

Percussion Revolver:



  • Flewda
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    Flewda polycounter lvl 17
    Nice! I like where this is so far! The holster is a nice touch. :)
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    yea that holster looks awesome, his face could be a lot more haggard to show experience, right now he looks too nice.
  • Helixx
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    Helixx polygon
    Thanks guys, I plan on adding some of that same detailing that's on the holster to other parts of the clothes without overdoing it.
    Here's a quick update.

  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    not bad looking good so far
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    like it, face could do with more jowl, though looks a wee bit fresh
  • dehebo
    yer make him beat up a bit, like he fought to win his battles. dunno if ever read The Dark Tower series by Stephen King - when saw first shots of guns was thinking of that character, which in-turn makes me think of Clint Eastwood's cowboy films, which King based his off... the best are always a bit haggard :)
  • Helixx
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    Helixx polygon
    EricV - thanks man
    Shep - Jowl updated
    dehebo - Just started reading the series recently actually, and ya he did need to be beaten up a bit, he was still looking too "greenhorn".

    Another update, doesn't look like much but most of the work was in the detailing. Appreciate all the crits, keep em coming.

  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Wow man, I'm totally impressed. Based off your intro, I wasn't expecting such great work.

    So far I like the expression, the eyes, hands and mouth could use some more refining though. I would give the hat's brim some volume, and maybe loosen up the pants in the rear a bit, it looks right up in there atm.

    Your doing a great job with the high poly here, keep it up! I'll be following your updates for sure.
  • Helixx
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    Helixx polygon
    Thanks Brad, I've touched up a few of the areas you mentioned but I just picked up a little bit of freelance work so this guy will have to take the backburner for a little bit. It'll definitely get done, I just won't be able to update for a little bit is all.
  • Zack Fowler
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    Zack Fowler polycounter lvl 11
    The gun baked out very nicely! I don't know the first thing about characters, but I've always liked those swirly decorations on things like the holster and belt. I was going to suggest adding similar designs to the grip of the revolver, but on second thought that might pack too much detail into one area. Gotta love oldschool facial hair.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    i think his face looks bad, like i think you should grab some photo reference of frowny mean faces and give those facial forms a second pass. copy some realworld features into the face and you should see him come more alive. just pay attention to bone landparks, large facial muscles and fat, shapes of wrinkles and folds. his lips look thin and his cheek bones look like they grew fat and are drooping down his face. his hat looks pretty silly too, like it was too small and he jammed it on there.
  • woogity
    cool work man, nice style, you absolutly killed the mutton chops on this guy they look fantastic. im quite impressed, awesome gun as well <salutes>

  • P442
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    P442 polycounter lvl 8
    everything looks good except his butt. pants seem a little tight in that area
  • Helixx
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    Helixx polygon
    ZackF - Thanks, I've been planning on doing some embellishments on the gun handle via photoshop, and ya I'm liking the oldschool facial hair too.

    kp - Going to give the guy a face wash with the smooth tool and start over. Appreciate the words of advice. The hat is gonna get some lovin' too :P

    woogity - Why thankya.

    P442 - De-wedgifying him is my first order of business. Cheers!

    It's Sunday night, and it's 8:30 and I think I'm gonna give this guy a go for awhile. I'll post updates before I hit the sack.
  • Helixx
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    Helixx polygon
    Well I was too tired to take some shots last night but here's my revamp of his face. Much improvement in my opinion.

  • adamlewis
    Definitely an improvement, but you could still push it a lot further. I think the main thing that would help you is to drop down to a lower subdivision level and concentrate on some of the primary and secondary forms and planes of the face. It's very easy to get lost in the details, because they can be so interesting and fun to sculpt, but most of the visual impact of a face can be achieved at relatively low levels of detail.

    If you decide to go back and work on the lower levels, one problem you might run into is determining when you've put in enough work and should go back to the higher levels. A very simple and easy technique to help gauge your progress is to set up layers at regular intervals while you work, and then at any point you can go back and toggle the layers off and on to see if you're making a noticeable improvement with your sculpting. Keep repeating the process until you no longer see any reasonable improvement, and at that point you've probably plucked all the low (and high) hanging fruit available to you at that level, and then you can go up to the next with confidence.

    Hope you find that advice helpful. Keep up the good work.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    much better. were you using some clint eastwood references?
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