I'm actually working with the "2009.3" version of the FBX exporter on Maya...
First I was really surprised when I seen the "Maya Mel Scripting" section in the FBX documentation...
But is there no way to export a selection?

I already tried to add the "select -r" before the "FBXExport -f [filename]" function but it just exports the entire scene -___-.......
I tried to ask on :
But when I start a new thread or create a new message that thing appears :
"You are in wrong section or you have no permissions to do that."
Does someone know how I could export a simple selection with mel scripting? ^_^...
You can still use the FBX scripting commands to set any preferences before exporting - usually I just set it up manually, save an "fbxexportpreset" file, and get the script to load this preset before exporting.
No, this FBX exmport is too bad
If you try that on a selection :
He will open the exporter UI =____=.....
Hmmm nothing I know....
Basically the FBXExport function is a entire mel function.
We can't use it like :
Maya doesn't understand it. only "FBX" works.
Here are all the Mel function for the FBX exporter :
Then the main question could be : why I can't export only one object with this set of function? O_o?
In your maya you can try something like that:
string $selection[] = `ls -sl -l`;
for ($i=0;$i<`size $selection`;$i++)
select -r $selection[$i];
FBXExport -f ("c:/" + $i);
(if I had the ["code"] stuff on it polycount will crash
... and you will see all your *.fbx files will content the full scene....
Documentation have beed updated on the 2010 version!!!!
It sound great ^_^,.,.. I will try that.....
Oh gonna rain shit tonight!!!!
one year I was waiting for this shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Use this to set previously unavailable commands on an fbx export via command line!
FBXproperties command described here : http://download.autodesk.com/global/docs/maya2014/en_us/files/GUID-76CF67F4-BBBB-48C6-AE48-6EF6975CB870.htm