Two years old or so. I think I had this class with you Adam. Now let's see what you got, fool!
Ha. It's especially embarrassing considering the kick ass Kriss model that was uploaded a week or two ago. Look at those lines on the grip! I just drew those into the diffuse! *shudder*
the ugly factor is mostly textures, concrete gun barrel for the wins!
Even though it has a concrete barrel it's still a lot better than my first model!
i thought i was the only one who thought that
and this just cracks me up... edge loops .... so bad... wheres the jaw?? fuckin neckface!!
Here's the first model i ever DARED to call complete. I'm embarassed i even did but ... hey isn't that what this thread is for? haha.
And a piece of my first environment ever ...
First 'ahem'... character, General Briggs;
First model ever in lightwave c. 1998~1999
Holy crap.
Nightmare fuel :poly142:
GCMP did you use this guy as your ref. Looks pretty close to me.
If only you could check out the sweet unwrap job...