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UT3 level: RamPaGe

polycounter lvl 10
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crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10

Here's where you can find the essential files:

If you want to peek at the kismet setup you can find that map file here:


I hope you Polycounters enjoy this map! I know this place is big on the graphics, but try not too nit pick too much, my main effort with this thing was to get a cool FPS/RPG. The pillars and stone could certainly use more work. And the outside of the level could obviously use more assets.

Anyway, I think this map is pretty cool and you all should try it for the following reasons:

-5 weapons that scale in power as you kill your enemies. These weapons can raise an army and even summon vehicles!
-An all new gameplay mode (that i think) has never been done before.
-All new art assets


Impact Hammer: No longer a mere melee weapon, this weapon grants its user the power of flight. By hitting the ground the hammer propels the user up, and then forward at great speeds. If that wasn't enough, When the player crawls slowly enough, or stays still, this weapon charges an AE blast that will Hit all enemies in a radius when you hit the ground! More kills with this weapon means further rocket flight and less time required to charge the impact explosions.

Flack Cannon: Players weilding the flack cannon are incredibly hard to kill. Passive regens are doubeled when wielding the flack cannon, and consecutive hits with the flack cannon will cause this regen to skyrocket! By hitting yourself with the secondary fire (be careful, if you're very low on life and hit too close to yourself this could kill you) you can heal yourself and your teammates for large ammounts of life. This weapon comes equiped with a stun affect, and if you have enough EXP any enemy that hits you will be knocked around and find it very hard to hit or persue you. This weapon makes you so hard to kill it's hard to beleive you'd ever die, that is if it wasn't for the...

Sniper Rifle: A gambler's weapon. Think of every head shot as a spin at the roulette table. When you hit the enemy you have a chance of getting very powerful, but temporary bonuses. Body hits have a very small chance of turning you invis, while headshots can possibly give you quad damage or even invulnerability! Players hit by snipers will notice their regen slowed. Get hit enough times and your regen will cease to work, but by that time you'll probably be dead so don't worry about that ;)
Enough kills with the Sniper rifle will give you jump boots, making you harder to kill, which is great for when you have the flag, or when you're trying to get to the flag. Sniper levels increase the odds of getting powerups. High level snipers will recieve quad damage on EVERY headshot.

Shock Rifle: This is the most unfinished weapon but still a blast to use. It's unlocked when the sniper rifle is mastered. Shoot the ground and you'll notice up to 3 servants will spawn at your feet. They'll follow you anywhere, untill you de-equip your shock rifle, then they'll patiently stand there and gaurd, waiting for you to switch back to your shock rifle and then follow you again. Shooting them with your shock rifle will heal them and if hit enough, upgrade them to have berserker. There is a 10 second timer on summoning more minions.

Rocket Launcher:
A very unique weapon, unlocked when the flack cannon is mastered. This doesn't make YOU much stronger in any way, but earn enough hits with it and you'll be summoning vehicles much more powerful than anyone on the battlefield (except for a lucky sniper running around with quad damage and invulnerability). When the required points are reached you'll hear the vehicle or turrets signature noise, and know that if you hit your feet, you will summon that type of vehicle! Be careful, your teammates may try to steal it. And be careful about hitting near enemies, you might accidently spend your hard earned points on a turret you didn't want! Unlike standard UT3 vehicles, these will regen over time. In future builds higher level rocketeers will regen more life. If your vehicle is hit by your rocket, or a teammates rocket, you will regen a large ammount of health over 5 seconds, this doesn't stack though.

The gameplay in RamPaGe is a distant cousin of the CTF game type. There is only 1 flag point for both teams, at the very top of a series of floating platforms at the center of the map. The only way to score "points" is to kill the other team while you hold the flag. It's important for your team to protect and heal you with their flack cannons when you have the flag. Be careful, as the entire other team will be hell bent on your destruction, since they wont have a chance to gain points untill you are dead and another flag is up for grabs.

NPC's will spawn on the outskirts of the map and run for the middle. They do minimal damage and pose next to no threat. These bots are more a means of accumulating exp and regen with your flack cannon. When they reach the middle they die, just so there wont be a giant pile of unkilled NPC's standing around.

Some Helpful Advice to get you started

Every weapon has its advantage and disadvantage. Don't try to be a "sniper" or a "healer", use all of the weapons and become the sum of their parts. When you're in a tight spot (especially with the flag), use the flack cannon or impact hammer to rocket jump out. The impact hammer gets you out faster, but the flack lets you rocket jump out while healing for large ammounts of health. Switch between the two and get the best of both worlds. Once you're in safety, charge up your super attack on the impact hammer, and surprise the angry mob with a large explosion.

Although you can't get into a vehicle with the flag, you can get into turrets. If you see your flag carrier in trouble, set up a turret near them, it'll act as a giant new health bar for them, and allow them to fight back and rack up some kills.

I think it's only fair that i call out some games that insipred me to make this map, in order of how much they affected my level, all faves of mine.
The Tribes series
WoW (hope that doesn't scare off any of you hardcore FPS guys)
Team Fortress Series
Hexen Series
Mega Man (probably the only game i ever enjoyed with floating platforms)

Thanks for checkin' the map out polycount. I posted this in a couple UT3 forums but that community seems to be kinda dead, haven't gotten any feedback on the map yet.
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